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Showing most liked content since 03/31/24 in Posts
I have been Foe nearly a decade… without a doubt I would never look back and regret the time I spent in this clan. I have seen so many come and go and my turn has been long overdue for many years. I know most of you probably thought I would be playing rs til 50 (lmao) but sadly that isn’t the case. But as of late I have been really busy working, school, juggling life in general barely have any time for myself. I witnessed the low and high points of Foe. I have led the clan when things were going south, to the point of many people would say it was never going to turn around. I have led the clan when at its most dominant we were untouchable we ravaged through clans with ease. Thank you all for making it fun. To all the people that I have met over the years thank you for passing the time with me and making Foe enjoyable. Didn’t want to write too much.. Thank You, Never Cheat, Never Lie, Final Ownage Till I Die.2 likes
FOE MOST ACTIVE PURE CLAN PKED at Chaos Altar and PKed some noob bots inside the center. We came across OFA for a small scrap with them and cleared Zenith in the process. It was a feast, good fight OFA. Lots of fun, especially when we PKed noob bots for free lootations. BRAIN PoV:2 likes
After our GMT Pk TRIP which resulted in 30M+ Pk'D, The EST team set out later in the day to join in on gaining some loot. We Pk'D throughout CA and gained a decent amount of loot. Great work staying active FOE. Let's continue this activity up! EST & GMT crushing it.2 likes
No, it tracks members invited in the clan. So if it’s turned on right before a fight, it shows the outcome of the fight for the clan chat. It can bug sometimes though, but is mostly reliable (depending on everyone being added into clan hall). Runelite plugin2 likes
The music tracks were good too2 likes
There is so many I want to see back here.. To start off I would choose @Pat over anyone else. But lets be real; who wouldn't? @intu @Jabby @Eldar @Jordai @Jordan @Pasco @8pint @Dynova @Grifte @Nick @Tony @Isaak @Jaimy @Frank/Hwak Phtu @Thanos @Warlord @ceZa @Bolas @BlackMirror @beargrylls @London2nyc @Chief @1 Item @Psycho2 likes
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This game just turns my brain into mush
Aqua liked a topic by ceZa
xD trying to keep the forums alive cuh, and you should already know I'm a pc freak on FOE forums for years 😄1 like -
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Kim's Response to New Clanners - Never Cheat, Never Lie, Final Ownage Till I Die.
Guido liked a topic by [S]Kim
i do mantras and meditation everyday, this game isn't serious. What is serious is the constant harassment and bombarding I am getting over a shit leak. People will leak for five cents and no morals. Never cheat or lie.1 like -
Kim's Response to New Clanners - Never Cheat, Never Lie, Final Ownage Till I Die.
Gerald liked a topic by Brap
I'm not reading that and would suggest meditation1 like -
Mmbros99 liked a topic by Ape
Ten Foe members conquered the Slayer Caves, Chaos Altar and Lava Drags for some lootations. It was a feast. Gathered up at least 15m in lootations. GG wild. 11 like -
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TBR liked a topic by Mortuls
baby pure pulling up for mage xp from clumps next time gj kings1 like -
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Front page Vardorvis 50 attack
Mmbros99 liked a topic by Andrew
I did it boys kills take 3-8 minutes each, averaging 8 per hour place your bets for axe head1 like -
mpc liked a topic by Real Me
Had some fun in the wildy today with the gmt squad POST PICS1 like -
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Favourite game of all time
Gerald liked a topic by Matti
ssx tricky was so good on ps2 when I was a kid1 like -
Favourite game of all time
Gerald liked a topic by Chris-
Lord of the rings battle for middle earth 21 like -
Tag someone you want back in FOE
Go Hard liked a topic by Brap
@8pint @Go Hard @wiijack @BlackMirror1 like -
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Favourite Fights You Attended?
Mmbros99 liked a topic by Jd-
Personally, I haven't been in many 'long fights' I'm very much anti the meta of obsessive returning, and as a leader/warlord was always happy to end a fight when I knew we were beat. Top 5 (Not in order) - vR vs ROT - Summer (2011) - The fight that closed them - I can't remember how long it went on for, but I know it was around 4am GMT when it finished. - No Remorse vs Brutality - Dec 2009 - Was simply a small fight but we showed what our man for man quality could do and competed with them 45v60 - Who were always fantastic man-for-man. - Renegade vs Ancient Fury - August 2010 - Another man for man quality piece. We'd opened Renegade as a fun clan for the summer. And weeks in we had a 2HR cap vs Ancient Fury who were #3 P2P art the time, 40v70. This fight kicked off our recruitment drive as all posts on RSC were ' Why does it look like Renegade are winning in every shot '. - Infliction vs Kill Orgy (Clan Wars - 2011/12) - As the wilderness was dying out, clans started focusing on man-for-man clanwars 30v30/50v50, Kill Orgy had been known for months now as #1 in this art form - but once again the core of Infliction, that had made up big numbers in both NR and RG - showed man for man, who we were and took #1. - NR vs Frozen Fury - Late 2009 - To put it simply FF had been open for a while, were an established Top 10 Clan. And on day two of being open, we brough 54/55 of our ML and smashed them in minutes, laying the ground for the level of quality NR would show, pound for pound.1 like -
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What does this even mean, Google? LMFAO?
Tyluur liked a topic by [S]Kim
I know! I was like uh oh!!! haha. Thank god it got cleaned up.1 like -
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Guido liked a topic by JNI
dw danny, its fine to use red jeans if gf forces to1 like -
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