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Showing most liked content since 03/28/24 in all areas

  1. Syracuse

    AI Foe GFX Gallery

    Hope we can use this as some announcements, a proper introduction image, aftermath events, and more. I know Ai creates this shit but actually cropping everything out properly and finding the right image is actually not easy. enjoy this tough ass gfx.
  2. Brad

    the floppy salmon

  3. NiK0

    Favorite rsn

  4. ceZa


  5. I have been Foe nearly a decade… without a doubt I would never look back and regret the time I spent in this clan. I have seen so many come and go and my turn has been long overdue for many years. I know most of you probably thought I would be playing rs til 50 (lmao) but sadly that isn’t the case. But as of late I have been really busy working, school, juggling life in general barely have any time for myself. I witnessed the low and high points of Foe. I have led the clan when things were going south, to the point of many people would say it was never going to turn around. I have led the clan when at its most dominant we were untouchable we ravaged through clans with ease. Thank you all for making it fun. To all the people that I have met over the years thank you for passing the time with me and making Foe enjoyable. Didn’t want to write too much.. Thank You, Never Cheat, Never Lie, Final Ownage Till I Die.
  6. Ape

    Artio Bear Log #2

    Dry for pet currently.
  7. scumtroll69

    One Evenings Bot Abuse

  8. 2 likes
  9. FOE MOST ACTIVE PURE CLAN PKED at Chaos Altar and PKed some noob bots inside the center. We came across OFA for a small scrap with them and cleared Zenith in the process. It was a feast, good fight OFA. Lots of fun, especially when we PKed noob bots for free lootations. BRAIN PoV:
  10. scumtroll69

    1 KC Nibbler (Inferno Pet)

  11. Mmbros99

    FOE - EST Pk Trip #2

    After our GMT Pk TRIP which resulted in 30M+ Pk'D, The EST team set out later in the day to join in on gaining some loot. We Pk'D throughout CA and gained a decent amount of loot. Great work staying active FOE. Let's continue this activity up! EST & GMT crushing it.
  12. Some God

    World of Tank Blitz

  13. mpc

    World of Tank Blitz

    ty 4 ur service
  14. No, it tracks members invited in the clan. So if it’s turned on right before a fight, it shows the outcome of the fight for the clan chat. It can bug sometimes though, but is mostly reliable (depending on everyone being added into clan hall). Runelite plugin
  15. `Greg

    Favorite rsn

  16. Chris-

    Foe GMT Pk trip

    Decided to head out on a GMT pk trip to see what loot was out. Being the most active clan in both GMT & EST we stayed out for a couple of hours and pked 20m+ along with clearing BP. Post pics!
  17. Jack

    Favourite game of all time

    The music tracks were good too
  18. Friday, March 29th: Final Ownage Elite vs Blunt Pures We approached Blunt Pures for Wilderness PKRI a few days back and it was set up for tonight. After a wild week of non stop work, we were ready to kick back and have a little fun. The clock struck mass time, the men were eager to PK, and by the time we were ready to head out we had close to 50 men in blue ready and waiting. BP rocked up with 25 or so and we sat accordingly, we appreciate the action pals, so thank you for that. Looking forward to more & props to fighting down a few opts near the end, respect. @Stella @Parviz @Brain
  19. Finnish Ghetto

    What is your favorite AMV?

  20. There is so many I want to see back here.. To start off I would choose @Pat over anyone else. But lets be real; who wouldn't? @intu @Jabby @Eldar @Jordai @Jordan @Pasco @8pint @Dynova @Grifte @Nick @Tony @Isaak @Jaimy @Frank/Hwak Phtu @Thanos @Warlord @ceZa @Bolas @BlackMirror @beargrylls @London2nyc @Chief @1 Item @Psycho
  21. I miss the days of junior clans was so very common. Even in the main scene to have a 95+ combat clan and a 80+ clan etc. Oh the days.
  22. It's time... @Dynova @Lucifer NFS @A A Q @Go Hard @Austin @BlackMirror @Bolas @8pint @Psycho
    1 like
  23. Luke

    Big Levels

    97 HP & 91 combat @Damned
    1 like
  24. xD trying to keep the forums alive cuh, and you should already know I'm a pc freak on FOE forums for years 😄
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  25. Gerald

    Favorite car

    Rari 599 GTO or f40
    1 like
  26. Go Hard


    They got eliminated by the Denver Nuggets first round, yoink
    1 like
  27. COZZY

    Favorite rsn

    Yea I used to watch her/he? Videos back in the day
    1 like
  28. Aqua


    Go Hard to the rescue
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  29. Ape


    Ten Foe members conquered the Slayer Caves, Chaos Altar and Lava Drags for some lootations. It was a feast. Gathered up at least 15m in lootations. GG wild. 1
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  30. Finnish Ghetto

    World of Tank Blitz

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  31. Fake Smile

    World of Tank Blitz

    1 like
  32. The boys were out pking and run into misfits, so while the boys did the feasting dance the rest of us sounded the feasting horns. We hit them like a train, choo - choo motherfuckers. 30 of foes best, fought and gwased 40 flys into extinction. GF losers, grats on pulling some stupid shit yesterday, pussies. Same old same old bvg holding hands with other clans (team 6 alliance all over again) @Teleporting @Parviz @Matti
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  33. Brap

    World of Tank Blitz

    I miss tanks
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  34. Gerald

    World of Tank Blitz

    Panzer tanks only
    1 like
  35. Real Me

    FOE early GMT pk (30m+ pked)

    Ez money
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  37. 1 like
  38. mpc


    Post your best soundtracks -
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  39. [S]Kim

    Blink 182 - I Miss You <3

    Did you all grow up listening to Blink-182? 😄
    1 like
  40. [S]Kim

    What is your favorite AMV?

    never seen this one before but its definitely a vibe. thank you for sharing 😄.
    1 like
  41. @8pint @Go Hard @wiijack @BlackMirror
    1 like
  42. scumtroll69

    F2p Clanning Tips

    Hope these might be helpful to some of you - Set your loot keys to display food and potions on the ground, that way you can loot hp and stay in the fight - Ancient Mace spec a Attack Dummy in a player house with max str gear for a 20+ prayer boost before pk trip begins and clan wars events. - Set your respawn to Ferox so you can return quickly to fights close by - When a fight begins use 15% prayers, as your prayer gets lower during the fight, start to cycle down through the 10% and 5% prayers. For example use 15% until 30 prayer points, then 10% until 10 prayer points, then 5% until zero - Try to only step out from the clump if you're in a position that is not bindable for the enemy. If you do step out and get focused you want to be able to drag the people hitting you back to your own clump. If a clans has good callers any bind in the open should = death Please add more pals 🙂
    1 like
  43. Teleporting

    The days when claws were 79m

    1 like
  44. Divine

    Me and Divine IRL

    @@ogrelord why u leak our irl music video
    1 like
  45. Peen

    Me and Divine IRL

    my favorite song tbh
    1 like
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