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Final Ownage Elite Saturday F2P Trip | ft. A new couple in Gielinor |


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Forums | MemberlistTeamspeak 3 (ts.foe-rs.com)


Today Final Ownage Elite jigged around the wilderness to try and find some action to satisfy our hunger peaking at ~65 elites. Luckily mostly everyone wanted to fight today but sadly TLP with their 55 man pull at the start which dropped to 40 by the end knew they couldn't 1v1 and so them and Supremacy took turns having anal sex with each other just to fight us. Too bad The Last Shitty Mains decided against a 1v1 on this glorious day because they would have gotten fucked up a little too hard for their gay boys to handle (lmfao).


I think this has been the most 1 sided rivalry (if you even want to call it a rivalry) in RuneScape history. Hell, it was a little too easy to be called a rivalry. A series of events where we lost less than 5 fights and beat them over 5x the amount in the course of 2 months... Considering they have resorted to teaming, it's safe to say it's over now. Was easy shitters.


To keep it short, TLP fucking sucks. TLP needed Supremacy today to fight Final Ownage Elite because of the slump we put them in. They suck at preps, with our record now being 17-2 against them? LMFAO. And in the wilderness they have no chance of competing 1v1 anymore because they pulled ~45. Maybe since they're all mains now anyway they can go PVM? Then again, they'll probably shit the bed on that one too. Anyway, we managed to have some nice action and thanks for the 1v1 fight EOP you were better than TLP today it seems.


So, once again, thanks to everyone who gave us action. 

Stay easy TLP. Cya cunts tomorrow.

Gratz CP on a nice 90 man pull today. Didn't expect it. If we knew we would have hyped it up more and fought with more numbers! ^.^


Ouch... TLP...











First fight of the day and we logged in underneath TLP at GDZ who had already given up on competing. This was clear when they resorted to teaming with Supremacy. So yeah, The Last Mains quickly teamed with their lovers Supremacy just to fight us. Then a few other clans, Fatality and Corrupt Pures, hit the cluster and we saw CP just watching us 2 v 1 with 90 people not even targeting the teamers. Inb4 TLP makes up some excuse and says that they won 50v150.  Anyway, pretty dirty fight and disorganized all around and we dipped when it was just us and CP left.



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Well since TLP didn't want to 1v1 us, we decided to fight the Eruption of Pures. Was a short fight because it got crashed but we outnumbered them hard so props to them for wanting some action. Thanks for the fight guys, better than TLP who wouldn't 1v1. Fatality decided they wanted some action so they crashed us towards the end of the EOP fight but they had too little numbers to do much and we pushed them away.




We waited the whole trip for TLP to leave single but they weren't so we hit them in single and cleared them up because their quality is shit.




When TLP finally left single and stepped into multi we realised their pull had dropped to 40. LMFAO what a joke of a clan. With 60 people still remaining we rushed into them ready to smash them again and wow, what a fucking surprise!!! Supremacy rushes in with 25 people. Was a nice 1v1, lol jk! TLP thought to themselves and realized, "Hey, wait up we can't do this! ADDY ARMOR ISN'T ENOUGH!!! Let's call Supremacy each fight. Maybe then we can compete!!!"


SMH... Most ONE sided rivalry I've ever seen.



We'll see you tomorrow in the server where your 30 def won't mean shit and you won't stand a chance.








Edited by HolyDreams




Was fun but tomorrow we will destroy them!


GZ TLP on resorting to calling SUP to help your shit clan


God bless the teleporters, its all over...


such a sharkbrew topic lol wth


but yeah supremacy that was a really bad idea 


Looks good, wish I already could've come but unfortunatly I don't have the pc yet :(


Shit clans will stay shit

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