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A Small Question, if you would please answer


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Hey guys, I'ts Moo here, and i have a question about non other than our favourite Game, SoulWars. Now, i am wondering, could i go into Soul Wars, with a Level 3 Noob with no Combat XP whatsoever and just do whatever The AFKers in SW do? Then get XP and get that CB Level up a bunch? Is that possible, Thanks.



Yeah, just sit there using bandages on people when your activity bar is low.

But it'll take AGES considering the exp you gain is based on the level of the stat.


u can do but i would suggest getting ur levels up to about 60 other wise ull be gettin like 500 exp an hour or something stupid at first.


So basically what your saying is, It would be better to train on my own at a low Level? Than when i get better, i can Go to SW and get more XP?


So basically what your saying is, It would be better to train on my own at a low Level? Than when i get better, i can Go to SW and get more XP?

Pretty much, most people suggest start swing when your stats are around level 80-85.


Well, So far My File has made Little progress, and if i knew how to actually locate the Screenshot i took, i would show you. Infact, i don't know how to, so i'll just tell you, he has Level One in every stat, except combat. He's just started Tutorial... Yeah...


Well, So far My File has made Little progress, and if i knew how to actually locate the Screenshot i took, i would show you. Infact, i don't know how to, so i'll just tell you, he has Level One in every stat, except combat. He's just started Tutorial... Yeah...

Better get training then.  :nice:


Get a base level of like 60 first, otherwise you get so little xp per zeal, it's pointless.


if u put a lvl 3 in sw it will take u like a year to get even 20 str....

do sw if ur 90+ stat


It really isnt worth it till minimum 70, though i would still say 80 would be best before swing


Finish > Waterfall, Tree gnom Village, Vampire Slayer, The grand tree, Fight arena, ull be like 40 str 48 attack :] then go to soul warss. :]


Start it at 60-70 otherwise its pointless.


If you want to make a dbower for example, get 60 or so range then sw.

Swing with low stats dramatically decreases your exp gain per point, so it would be very wise to raise it to a decent level before proceeding with soul wars.


Start out with penguinz :D penguin it up to 50-70 in that skill, then SW!


So basically what your saying is, It would be better to train on my own at a low Level? Than when i get better, i can Go to SW and get more XP?

Yeah id get like 70 if you go too low your just wasting your time and look more of a prod.


get like 80+ stats and then sw the rest other wise its pointless spending 20 mins and getting 150 xp


lower stats lower exp for that stat


One - Don't soul war, your hp will be far too low and you're the laziest type of people I know

Two - Seriously, when you Soul War everything gets messed up, things aren't as they should, like cows jumping with dolphins.


So basically what your saying is, It would be better to train on my own at a low Level? Than when i get better, i can Go to SW and get more XP?



1-60  str is like 1k zeals...

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