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F2P vs P2P


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I am sure most of you don't know me unless you happened to read my intro. I am just not returning to Runescape and currently am only level 3. I know sad right lol. For my first day back I basically just trained f2p skilling and did a little fishing and hung out on the forums haha.


My goal is to become a maxed pure like most of you. The point of this thread is to see if I can get some assistance in making a decision from you wonderful people.


Should I stay f2p while I skill as a level 3 so that when  I become a member I can instantly go and do all  the quests I need without having to train any skills and save myself some membership time. Basically get fishing, mining, woodcutting, crafting, and smithing to decent levels and then become a member.


Should I become p2p now and train all my skills as a member since the experience is better and it will allow me to level up quickly? This would also allow me to begin my pure quests and get some combat skills up from them for free. I would also be able to produce a decent amount of money to begin with.


I plan on being member for a while so does it even matter if I wait? Am I just over thinking this and should just get members and not look back?


Thank you for taking the time to read this and logical responses are appreciated with pros and cons.




get members, take a look at the guides on this forums. they will help you with building your pure :)


get 40~ in whatever stats you think you'll need then go p2p. 

Posted (edited)

get members, take a look at the guides on this forums. they will help you with building your pure :)


I have been and am currently planning on using two very nice guides that I found on there for my training route as well as the pure quest guide. It's nice to have the stat and item requirements all in one place :D


get 40~ in whatever stats you think you'll need then go p2p. 


Thats what I was thinking just so it makes it easier. Everything I have to train on before 40/50 are f2p things anyway such as trees until maple and lower level fish.

Edited by DMT

get 40~ in whatever stats you think you'll need then go p2p.


get 40~ in whatever stats you think you'll need then go p2p. 


So far it looks like most of you are on the same page. Stay f2p until I can start training productively in p2p




Yeah, after I get home from work today I plan on doing all the quests I can. My inner-debate comes when I think that I should just do both the f2p quests and the p2p quests at the same time so I don't have to spend multiple days questing


P2p to quest a lot of your stats. If you grind it will take your HOURS. Compared to doing waterfall in 25 minutes for 30+ att and str for example



True none of them are really that long I could get the easy ones and the pre-req quests out of the way. Im currently working on 40+ wc, fm, mining, smithing, fish in f2p and then thinking ill get p2p but im really tempted to just buy membership right after I get home from work because I know the gains will be faster and its not like im only getting 1 month of membership so I won't really be wasting it. I guess I'll just wait to see how I feel after work.



Yeah I don't plan on gringing 1-? stats to begin with. I know many of the quests you can do right off the bat give you quite a few levels in combat skills including mage and the first day of membership I get will be dedicated to getting the basic p2p quests finished

Posted (edited)

tbh, I'd advice to make your acc p2p straight away , because p2p gives you lots of extra things (better training spots/member objects etc. ) it'll make your training easier and more fun(imo) 


If you need help with anything else, you can always send me a PM or poke me on TS ;)

Edited by Rolexx
Posted (edited)

@@Rolexx Thanks for your kindness I will keep that in mind if I ever need some assistance :D


Any suggestions for beginning p2p money making methods? I can respect if you'd like to keep your method to yourself :p

I am sure I will figure it out lol

Edited by DMT

just go to p2p, its so much faster rly the time u will save can be spent working irl for alot more than that membership 




I'd stay f2p until you have at least 40 in the skills; then you'll have a good foundation for getting p2p


Just go P2P straight away imo. Better training spots available i.e Barb outpost willows, shilo fly fishing etc


get 40~ in whatever stats you think you'll need then go p2p. 


Thank you everyone for your opinions :D


I decided that I'm wasting my time by waiting so I just got membership last night

Im going to create a thread for my progress vs goals


Again thank you all :D hope to pk with you soon :p



get 40~ in whatever stats you think you'll need then go p2p.


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