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Any Exceptions?

Shut Up Kid

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I was wondering if there were any exceptions to not having teamspeak and joining the clan.

I can't have it for reasons i'd rather not explain


its better you use ts if ur new

if u think u kno wat ur doin u can go without =]


What ultra said, if you're new to clans. Or come to that, new to FOE you really really need TS,  not just because it's mandatory, but you pick up so many things. When i joined FOE i wasn't new to clans, i'd been leadership of a clan for over a year, but i STILL learnt new things from the warlords.

90% of the instructions are given in TS with FOE. It allows for fast instructions. So yeah, to save alot of hassle, just download teamspeak lol.

EDIT: If it's because you don't want anybody hearing the talking, use headphones, (i had the same problem, it's a very easy one to overcome though.)

Feel free to PM me if you want, you can tell me what the reason is, and i can advise you, completely confidential.


How much do a good set of headphones cost?


if you dont have a set of headphones or anything message me, I got like 50 iPod earbuds sets I can ship to you. If not there like $10-20 at best buy.

You can get you a nice headset with a mic on it that will last you a good 6 months for $30 or less at best buy.

I personally use one iPod earbud, (i ripped the right side off) for listening to ts/vent/music. Even though I have a $60 headset I can use, I'd rather use the iPod earbud.


Yh mandatory


lol now im curious as to why you can't has ts, i personally can't think of anything that would be embarrassing...

Edit: Unless you're a girl  :omg:


What is an ipod Earbud? is it like normal headphones? and ima go to bestbuy today and look around a little


I can't really imagine an excuse for not having teamspeak.


What is an ipod Earbud? is it like normal headphones? and ima go to bestbuy today and look around a little

Do you live in Ethiopia?


ya my dad got me a headset from wal mart i think for like 20$


i dont have vent/ts and im in the clan, i get crap about it every trip i go to with ppl saying "audio or gtfo", but the funny thing is ppl are saying in this post that its ok if you have experience.... should i feel insulted then?


its gone be harder for u but u can probably pull it off


You don't need to talk on ts, just listen so I can't think of any excuse not to have it :x


lol now im curious as to why you can't has ts, i personally can't think of anything that would be embarrassing...

Edit: Unless you're a girl  :omg:

Not really embarrassing, but s/he could be deaf, so having it would do nearly no good.

I'm legally deaf in one ear, and have selective hearing in my other one...


Ya if I join FOE I might have the same problems cuz I just can't download TS, says I can't...


if u have downloads blocked or something, just ask whoever controls your internet, because almost everyone in foe has it, it doesn't do anything bad to your computer. If you have an embarrassing voice, just don't talk. I never talk on TS when I go to #midweek trips because of mine  :p. If you don't have headphones but want them, just use some from an iPod, or any other music system. You don't need a mic, so any headphones are good.


i think they have voice changers if you arent comfortable letting other people hear your voice. no reason to be scared of letting other people hear you tho, if they make fun of you for it then tell em' to suck it.


U dont need headphones..just get on and listen to what's being said by leaders


I went without TS for 2 years. :)


I'd recommend getting teamspeak as its really useful in clan wars.


if u go on ts u can respond to calls and move better as a unit so its pretty worth getting

u dnt need a mic just be able to listen and its free :P


Note that you don't have to talk on TeamSpeak.


I have TS but can't get on foe's server. Been pking with clans about 4 years, don't really need it but it would be a plus.

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