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I didn't see any rules about this but if it is not allowed please remove.


I was just wondering what clickers out there are reliable for alching? Preferable one which you can alter the click speed etc.




I didn't see any rules about this but if it is not allowed please remove.


I was just wondering what clickers out there are reliable for alching? Preferable one which you can alter the click speed etc.



Don't think it's allowed on these forums, but I'll help you out real quick. Just use ghost mouse.



I didn't see any rules about this but if it is not allowed please remove.


I was just wondering what clickers out there are reliable for alching? Preferable one which you can alter the click speed etc.



Don't think it's allowed on these forums, but I'll help you out real quick. Just use ghost mouse.


I couldn't find anything in the rules about it not being allowed. I thought ghost mouse is a repeat script so doesn't alter?


if you're on a mac you can make your own reaaaally easily, if not i heard theres one by garyshood or something like that


Dont auto click. High rate of getting banned. Mod Weath op. 

Posted (edited)

Noneee m8

Edited by Amusing

get one with a random interval between mouse clicks, i got one which i made it click randomly between 1.3 and 1.6 seconds


and ive never been banned


Garyshood if you are going to risk it. Id say you have a 80% chance of getting banned now tho


Thanks for the replies. Don't know if I will do it - was just wondering what is out there


You'll just get banned quickly, not worth the hastle unless you like rebuilding from scratch.


garyshood is probably the best used that one many times but prob get banned for it


ahk with random timer worked fine

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