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OG Bart

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Posted (edited)

Quiting runescape and application thanks for letting me app and have some fun at events.



reason: i feel like i play this game more for the need  then for the fun it doesnt bring me much as it did pre-eoc. Plus pk community is just so low since 2007 all the ragging etc, like names ass yrfatsealed, lush one, rainz etc dont know all names but persons who annoy people just to reflect their shitty life in a game is not a game i want to play. 

Clanning seemedan option to get the fun back but i need to spent night times in the weekends in real life and not on runescape. best of luck with the clan.



Edited by OG Bart

sorry to hear that I'll close your app hopefully you find some way to have fun witta game 


Cya around man, gl with whatever you decide to do next


sorry to hear man, if you ever think about comming back, know that we'll still be here ;)


Yeah if you're not getting the fun/satisfaction you look for when playing games it's probably the best move to take a break and quit for a while. GL IRL, hope to see you around :)


Sorry to hear. Take care Bart.


balen man


take care

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