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afk ish money making


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been slaying on pure with ppots so its afk as fk, might make my main members again to make some gp on the side while slaying anyone know some decent money making ways that are kinda afkable?


Yea here are the steps:


1. Have some starting cash

2. buy a duelly ring

3. make sure to tell ALL your friends you are at the duel arena so they can join in

4. stake a small amount and WIN, you can now afk

5. If you didn't afk, tell your friends you're feeling lucky

6. stake big bank

7. lose

8. quit

9. change your forum name to Farmoil

10. AFK


tmt, we out here


Wyverns are pretty afk if u got the slayer lvl


Yea here are the steps:


1. Have some starting cash

2. buy a duelly ring

3. make sure to tell ALL your friends you are at the duel arena so they can join in

4. stake a small amount and WIN, you can now afk

5. If you didn't afk, tell your friends you're feeling lucky

6. stake big bank

7. lose

8. quit

9. change your forum name to Farmoil

10. AFK


tmt, we out here


If you want like really afk when you are doing school work or w/e cannonballs arnt terible.


wyverns, ive made 500m


Yea here are the steps:


1. Have some starting cash

2. buy a duelly ring

3. make sure to tell ALL your friends you are at the duel arena so they can join in

4. stake a small amount and WIN, you can now afk

5. If you didn't afk, tell your friends you're feeling lucky

6. stake big bank

7. lose

8. quit

9. change your forum name to Farmoil

10. AFK


tmt, we out here



only thing I can think of is botting.


Wyverns either ranging or melee pretty solid



Yea here are the steps:


1. Have some starting cash

2. buy a duelly ring

3. make sure to tell ALL your friends you are at the duel arena so they can join in

4. stake a small amount and WIN, you can now afk

5. If you didn't afk, tell your friends you're feeling lucky

6. stake big bank

7. lose

8. quit

9. change your forum name to Farmoil

10. AFK


tmt, we out here





Wyverns is 100% 1m/h

this but i doubt its 1m/hr


Yea here are the steps:

1. Have some starting cash

2. buy a duelly ring

3. make sure to tell ALL your friends you are at the duel arena so they can join in

4. stake a small amount and WIN, you can now afk

5. If you didn't afk, tell your friends you're feeling lucky

6. stake big bank

7. lose

8. quit

9. change your forum name to Farmoil

10. AFK

tmt, we out here

Lmfao I'm done



Yea here are the steps:

1. Have some starting cash

2. buy a duelly ring

3. make sure to tell ALL your friends you are at the duel arena so they can join in

4. stake a small amount and WIN, you can now afk

5. If you didn't afk, tell your friends you're feeling lucky

6. stake big bank

7. lose

8. quit

9. change your forum name to Farmoil

10. AFK

tmt, we out here

Lmfao I'm done


Yes yes just advise our members to stake. One of which that has already been cleaned by staking :p


If you afk slay on your pure you should just Zulrah on your main, or wyverns if you're wanting to pay less attention.

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