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60,70,75 Attack?


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Posted (edited)

Yo so Ive been umming and ahhing about what I should do.

Ive already kind of weighed up the pros and cons but just wondering what some of your thoughts are?

Ideally when im up to scratch i'll be pking with clan members in multi and meet a few people keen for trips so im leaning

towards 75, and eventually 99 obviously but should I hold of till 99 strength?



Edited by Ihayche
Posted (edited)

60, I regret getting 75 personally.

Edited by `Ben
Posted (edited)

Doesn't really matter if you decide to stay 60 Attack or get 75 early, the stats will even out and both are good in singles.


If it were my decision, I'd stay 60 for a while, then get 75 if you can afford gs'. I'd hate getting camped by mains everytime we're in single on trips lol

Edited by Flav0ur



i regret getting 75, and now I'm 94 and I regret that




75, also training str with ss will make it so much faster, just make a seperate baby pure with 60 attack


i'm 60 and often wonder about getting 75 and i usually come to the same conclusion... fuck that.


You might want to wait to see what reworks they do to abyssal dagger and bludgeon. They could be useful in the future and a 70 att pure might be good


I am similar stats to you at the moment. I'd stay 60 for a while until you get bored then consider 70/75.


Thanks for all the replies, Ive just hit 85 strength and on my way to 70 attack.

I know I'll get bored as soon as I hit 99 strength and I dont plan on doing to much pking till then so here goes!


I am similar stats to you at the moment. I'd stay 60 for a while until you get bored then consider 70/75.


60 is more unique, but i think 75 is better. I will get 75 myself very soon


Ezy, make two accounts one 60attk, one 75 :)


50 attack unit


75-99 is good for clanning. 50-60 good for edge.

75 also has its perks with the ags and sotd.

tough choices.

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