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What to do whilst alching


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After calculating that I am approximately 40,000 alchs away from 94 magic, I have decided that I need something to do to past time whilst clicking over and over.


Therefore, does anyone have any suggestions of something fun/productive to do whilst alching?


Thank you in advance


Watch movies/series/streams I suppose. Its not really  productive but ye. 


Get head from ya sidebitch


use an autoclicker and go to sleep



Gets you banned, Use sigmamagic if anything, got me 94mage within 2days from 85 stun/alching


unreal how many people say autoclick, autoclick = best way to get banned. No human can click at the same rate = detection = ban


W325 g.e or 337 and watch risk fights


25 or 37 watch pking or start watching a tv series


Cut trees while u alch, no exp waste


W325 g.e or 337 and watch risk fights


nolife agility while alching lel


autoclick it, I did it to (70-99)


unreal how many people say autoclick, autoclick = best way to get banned. No human can click at the same rate = detection = ban

there are random clickers btw, no same rates


unreal how many people say autoclick, autoclick = best way to get banned. No human can click at the same rate = detection = ban


Auto clicked 4 accounts on 07 to 99 mage and have yet to be banned.


+ Countless on Pre Eoc


Oh when you say autoclickers I thought you meant garyshood. 


Watch movies/series/streams I suppose. Its not really productive but ye.


that sigma magic looks like something that would get you banned


that sigma magic looks like something that would get you banned

Trust me it's one of the best scripts on the market. But not sure if we should be talking about this :s


Done 2 accounts from 55 to 94


Ive used Garys hood for like 9 years and never got one infraction, never more than 8k alchs at a time or more than 16k alchs a day and never been a problem, always at your own risk though!

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