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Getting kinda bored with my acc lookin to make a new acc.

I like pvming just as much as pking so I was thinking making a range tank?(I started making one before but I quit on it) does anyone have one, or has had, and was it fun to use?


You just sold your main ... Make up your mind you loser

Need a new grind...quests/training n shit


I had a maxed range tank and did a lot of Slayer and bossing on it which was easy to do with it and is also good in wildy

Pures are still more fun to play on (my opinion)


I got the same, I'm thinkin about making a zerker


Didn't you just have a main lad


Should go with the account J3r has, the Stabwound one. That looks pretty fun to me, dunno what that type of account is called.


Maxed range tanks have the best of both worlds :) pk and pvming shit like arma


They're pretty OP, useful to have if you've got the time to build/money to buy one.



Should go with the account J3r has, the Stabwound one. That looks pretty fun to me, dunno what that type of account is called.

Piety pure??

Pretty decent but you have to risk decent gear to spec like he does.


my buddy has a 90 range 70 def tank that he loves to pk on and when hes not pking he camps kbd lol

he always has a great time pking with 92 cmb 52 pray. so i'd say go for it. seems like you wanna fill up your time with a build.

Find out exactly what you want. All my accounts have always been pures but with osrs it's a bigger pvp community so the range tanks are probably incredibly fun i may look into it myself soon. GL!


I'm grinding mine out right now:




It's funny because a maxed tank with 99 defense is the same combat as a maxed pure with 25 defense and 70 pray lol. I can do Sara and arma GWD very easily and can still take on anybody my level once I'm maxed. I had one pre-eoc maxed with rigour and fucking loved it. I'd recommend questing barrows gloves straight away and begin grinding shortly after. 


Tanks are boring af to pk on. Just pvm on ur pure or race me to max :)


I had a range tank pre eoc, I found it fun.


Tanks are boring af to pk on. Just pvm on ur pure or race me to max :)


actually indecisive about whether or not to make my side account a 60 atk zerk, ranged tank, or a baby pure[60 atk 45 pray trip 94s] and get this acc 75 atk.

so far im justskillin like crazy to meet the barrows glovespre reqs etc just in case. 


tbh my first thought when making the account was do a ranged tank so ill probably follow that intuition, would double up easiest into a main too at some point which i lack atm


theyr easyscape but boring, piety pure is better for pking

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