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Yo, I have enjoyed the limited time I have had to play this game so far.

It has so many different and just better elements to normal RS.

However I still think that the best way to make money and the most enjoyable way to play the game will be to PK. Especially as more people have been smashing the game so average bank loot will probs be a few 100k.

But.... Because there are gonna be some OP accs now and teams I think realistically we are going to need to head out as pk as a team or a clan.

Are people interested in setting up a deadman team? Is this something worth looking into.

I know I'd benefit from having people to pk with and ask questions of on acc builds and tips so on. Would we benefit from a deadman section? Have any other clans set anything up we could work with?

Worth setting up proper planned pking sessions to try pull good numbers to make sure we can get pks and then actually last 30 mins to benefit from them?


I'd do it. We usually have people on ts always on but a planned midweek would be nice. Also we could try hunting other pkers to not worry about getting skulled


Count me in fam


Is 10 enough? I heard there are teams with ancients and big boys now.

Also I can't be on all the time same with others. Thought may be cool to have some agreed sessions so we can deffo have numbers?


maybe later, idk yet, too frustrating when i die


we wait for nobody. whoever is ready is ready. if your not tough shit


Is 10 enough? I heard there are teams with ancients and big boys now.

Also I can't be on all the time same with others. Thought may be cool to have some agreed sessions so we can deffo have numbers?

Yeah 10 would be enough but you need people with all 60+ range and Mage or 60 att/str with dds


I'm in.


You can't PK single anymore with much success.


I think adding a Deadman section on forums would be really beneficial. The mode may be dead content after a while, but it will still be really active for a few months.


Good suggestions, and hope to see you / PK on TS


youre a dead man!!!!!!!




Sounds good im down, should start looking into luring methods and stuff aswel for making real bank.


My account still needs some working tho to be somewhat efficient


gotta make a acc first, any guides for deadman accs?


cba dying to a lucky spec and losing my bank


Pking is lols. Being lower combat sucks though. You get chased around by higher levels


sure, i have like 50h clocked on deadman already

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