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B L l l T Z

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New champ select? [✓]  



Position Assignment


When exploring position select, we delved into how most people play the game and designed around what we found; most players feel strongest in two positions. So you now select two positions out of top, jungle, mid, bottom, support, and fill. You're guaranteed to land in one of the positions you select. And yes, support's now officially a position in addition to a role. 

  • Select a primary and secondary position and matchmaking weights your primary choice, making it more likely you land there; you're guaranteed to slot into one of the positions you select
  • Select a primary position and "Fill" as your secondary, and matchmaking weights your primary choice, placing you in any other role if necessary
  • Select "Fill" and join a team in any position


Requiring two positions ensures short queue times and that no one on your team gets stuck in a position they don't want to play. We know some options (*cough* support and jungle) aren't always quite as popular, and plan to incentivize these roles with IP bonuses if necessary.

We don't see position select impeding lane swaps or other emergent strategies in the future, and teams remain totally free to collaborate and experiment with different comps (double jungle 2016)




After your match is made, you and your new teammates discover your position and enter the draft. Before the ban phase begins, everyone picks the champ they plan to play—this is called pick intent. Pick intent helps your team sort out potential comps and avoid teammate-harming bans."



No More Surprises


Now each player selects their champion one at a time. For example, if your team has first pick, the opposing team still picks two champions afterward, they just lock in one after the other.

As a result, however, both bans and picks now require everyone to lock in their choice. If a player fails to lock in a pick or ban, champ select ends and players return to queue (and that player faces the same queue dodge penalties)."




Distributed Bans


We're distributing drafting responsibilities amongst all players so every player gets a chance to make a meaningful contribution to their team. A new ban phase distributes one ban each to the players who receive the last three picks, while the top two have a shot at securing priority champs for the team. For clarity: bans still happen before picks.






TL;DR: When you're in a division lower than Gold 1, if you lose a promotional series, the next time you enter your series, you'll start with at least one win. 

Ever since we released the league system for ranked play, we've been following it closely, identifying pain points and looking to add clarity to progression and placement. In 2016, we're adding a new feature to help alleviate "promo anxiety," better reflect improvements in skill, and make it easier to ladder up when climbing to your actual level. 

Beginning with the start of the new ranked season, if you lose your promos but are still able to get back into a series (demonstrating you've got the skills but just aren't winning in the right order), you'll start that new series off with at least one win. As the TL;DR said, though, promo helper does not apply to promo series above Gold 1.



Being able to ranked queue with more than 1 other person? [✓]


This upcoming season we're replacing the solo/duo queue with a dynamic group queue, where you'll be able to climb the ladder with any number of teammates, going from single participation all the way to a full team comp. There's no longer a penalty for players ranking together, so the benefits of grouping up will always prevail. You'll still need to be of similar rank to your queue-buddies, and the system is designed so that groups will almost always play against similarly grouped opponents (so if you're in a premade five, there's a 95% chance you'll run into another premade five), but now you'll be able to compete the way you want to.





we cs go now?



Later in the new season, you'll be able to earn Mastery Chests and Keys as you team up and compete with your friends. Upon acquiring (and combining) the two, you'll be able to unlock the chest, earning loot items ranging from 7-day rentals to permanent skins and champions


You'll have the chance to randomly pick up Keys and Key Fragments after each win. Playing with your friends will result in getting a few more keys than going solo and, if you've got the right kind of friends, wins should be easier to achieve as well! Once you pick up enough Key Fragments, you can convert them into full Keys at the crafting table


Mastery Chests will be tied to your post-game grades, which have always been a combination of your personal and team performance for that game. We're still settling on the number of chests we'll give out this way over the year (so it's not a grind and we can get a clear view of the ecosystem we're creating), but we'll also be exploring ways to give out chests (and keys) for other modes and events. 

For those who just want to pick up loot at a significant discount, we'll also be offering unique types of chests in the store that are guaranteed to be good deals! Finally, if the rewards you earn aren't something you see yourself ever using, you can swap them for other content via the crafting table."










Edited by B L l l T Z

TL;DR: When you're in a division lower than Gold 1, if you lose a promotional series, the next time you enter your series, you'll start with at least one win.


that has got to be the dumbest update.


i am level 15 wat is this


TL;DR: When you're in a division lower than Gold 1, if you lose a promotional series, the next time you enter your series, you'll start with at least one win.


that has got to be the dumbest update.


TL;DR: When you're in a division lower than Gold 1, if you lose a promotional series, the next time you enter your series, you'll start with at least one win.


that has got to be the dumbest update.

They are really starting to dumb down the game/make it easier so the bad kids can feel good.


Not the best updates. Making it easier for the shitters to get out of bronze.


Lol at the fact that u can 4man duo now.

We're here to make the game less toxic - riot 2009-2015

As if 2 man duoq wasn't bad enough having 2 retards flaming everyone else on the team. You now have 4! LOL.

I'm going back to Dota soon rofl


TL;DR: When you're in a division lower than Gold 1, if you lose a promotional series, the next time you enter your series, you'll start with at least one win.


that has got to be the dumbest update.


lol nothing too drastic

  • 2 weeks later...

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