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Maybe I'll get somewhere this time


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Hello, my name is Michael and I've been playing RS on and off since 2004. I've excuslively created accounts for PKing for a long time, except only recently have I attempted to get somewhere with them. In the past few years I don't believe I even reached a 1k total. RS for me has been extremely on and off(losing interest, cba to play video games due to other distractions) for a long time. I have very recently decied to start playing 07' again and been having a lot of fun. I am currently in college studying Cognitive Neuroscience(sounds a lot more fancy than it is!) and considering going into some sort of therapy/clincal work one day. Due to life changes my friendships are not as stable as I wish. RS will probably be a method for me to escape at times. Besides all of that I really enjoy to write(personal/fantasy), read, and listen to music for what seems 24/7. I've been around FOE as a guest since at least 2007. I did apply back in 2010 though, IIRC, was declined due to issues with having P2P and time.


If anyone ever justs wants to talk, let me know. I am serious about the offer.


Concept & Goals


I am currently planning to go with the standard 60 attack build and possibly max out. I was originally going to be an obby mauler, except from past experiences I don't want to spend so much time grinding, only to not have as many options as I would like. I am considering going zerker, not too sure how likely that will be. Lots of skilling/questing that will have to be done. Doesn't really matter as I can always start as a pure and then convert. I would like to enjoy the process and actually get somewhere. It will probably take me longer than normal so this thread is how I will keep track of where I am going.


Current Status


I was training range(atm level 60) and will either continue to 70 or quest. If I get bored of training, I will focus on completing many of the core quests(prep+comp of MM, ava, dt, gloves etc). I will also spend a bit of time making money, since I really need that shit. For the forseable future its range/questing. I will work on magic once I can afford it.





Took me a week to get nearly all of my stats to this point. I usually make good progress at the start, eventually burning out :(




Currently none since I am too noob.


Levels & Acheivements


60 Range



65 Range



70 Range





So far its only knights sword and druic ritual.

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Thanks everyone! Spent a little more time making some gp and bought 7k knives. If anyone is curious this is what I came up with after todays training: ~1207 iron knives from 195,524 to 274,240(78716 gain) = 65xp per knife. The jump from 60-70 is quite a bit and will take me longer due to other commitments. I think I'll just spend some time money making and questing. I should be able to quest quite a bit with my current stats.



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Kind of busy with other things, or I just cba, and because of this progress has been slow. I also don't want to update for every level. Anyways I reached 65 range, 54 hp(44 cmb), and a few misc levels in other skills. I have finals the next two weeks so I honestly probably won't get far with my goals. I should I have time to get 70 range sometime soon, since it is only ~10 hours left of training. After 70 I will do a bunch of quest related shit. So skilling, prequests etc etc.



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  • 2 weeks later...

With the end of the quarter I haven't had much time to train. I'm done with school until after the new year so I should be able to play a bit more. XP at rock crabs is only ~30k/h. In that case I will probably quest and make money, as 70-80 will be ~45hrs there. Will probably do experiments 70-80 and after that I dunno, too poor for the good methods. Even though I am on break gains might be meh, cba with other shit going on. 


59 HP



70 Range


Edited by dmonspawn
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