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The Pure Cup is the same as the All-Out Cup, but Defence-noobs are not allowed. All participating clan members must be 25 Defence or lower.




30 def to compete, but arent allowed to compete with 30 def





Posted (edited)

welcome to main clanning to set up fights pm rot

Edited by Novations ツ



Someone should go in members boards and find the topic where almost 50% of the members wanted 30 def.

You owe the "old fags" who were "living in the past" a nice thank you for stopping 30 def from coming in the clan, otherwise you'd be in the same position as tlp.

On another note, I hope jagex shows some balls and sticks to this def req



Someone should go in members boards and find the topic where almost 50% of the members wanted 30 def.

You owe the "old fags" who were "living in the past" a nice thank you for stopping 30 def from coming in the clan, otherwise you'd be in the same position as tlp.

On another note, I hope jagex shows some balls and sticks to this def req

Hahah good point my friend


Bonesaw wasn't ready for addydadhis

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