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J cup allowing 30 Def.

CT Jason

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Posted (edited)







Name change also inefficient in the jcup.

Edited by CT Jason

By next year zerks are the new pures elelellelele


Are you fucking kidding me....


'no defence noobs allowed' accepts 30 def

very disappointed Jagex.


Get 30 def or kicked


doesnt surprise me. Jagex hate pures im sure they are happy we are slowly getting more and more defense.


such a joke.

No point in even doing the pure cup now


jagex are always spineless pushover cunts who can't stand behind initial decisions they make.


no defence noobs, 30 defence allows, fucking hell they are lost.


Lol... Scum.


How can someone so biased towards a single clan still have such a big say on pure cup? Can we not take him to some kind of Jagex ethics committee and get him banned for 90 days like Sepp Blatter and Fifa.


We will still win. The F2P fights will.be a joke though.

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