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3njoy--lumby presents: Grand theft pixel! sick k0s with massive risk


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clips are 100% ownage as expected

obvious 5/5 very nice vid, can see that you spent some time making it.

only thing is that it needs more hybriding (just my opinion cuz i dislike edge)

and you should get fire cape to hit 35s dds :D  :nice:


clips are 100% ownage as expected

obvious 5/5 very nice vid, can see that you spent some time making it.

only thing is that it needs more hybriding (just my opinion cuz i dislike edge)

and you should get fire cape to hit 35s dds :D  :nice:


And my fav clip was the one where u dds spec, claw spec and dlong spec.


But ya, good clips with decent risk though you its pretty much all edge and 0 hybriding



ah well I had some hybriding clips but I don't really like those, too long and fights mostly end with shit k0s. + I already had enough trouble trying to fit my hundreds of clips in 10 minutes without adding long hybrid fights


Yeah firecape & more hybriding would be good.

first mins were really awesome, but then the music & edgeville got kinda boring. weapon variety, risk and hits were top though.


if you removed the dying with style rubbish you could of fit in some hybrid clips


if you removed the dying with style rubbish you could of fit in some hybrid clips

Good point lol

Aha, you can tell it was a beast just by the amount of clips GJ


Very good, always have enjoyed your vids.


Very nice 5/5


has to be 5/5 can easily see how much effort is in it and its a great vid anyway hope you make another one soon  ^_^


I hate youtube... I cant watch the vid.. Copyright ftl-.-germany ftl



Keep em coming, very noce, try some hybriding next vid?


imo awesome hits, but nothing special.

if i wanted to see a vid of big hits on rs id watch a main vid.

i cud sit round edge for weeks on mypure n jus max hits... kinda old now.

wanna see more skill pking, some hybridding and adventuring further then few steps from the safe zone.



Also the die with style bits were shit. However still quality vid.


Seriously nice vid, maybe just 2 or 3 dieing with style clips tho not 10 lol

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