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3njoy--lumby presents: Grand theft pixel! sick k0s with massive risk


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niceee 4/5


really good job with the editing. i would change the music tho =p


imo awesome hits, but nothing special.

if i wanted to see a vid of big hits on rs id watch a main vid.

i cud sit round edge for weeks on mypure n jus max hits... kinda old now.

wanna see more skill pking, some hybridding and adventuring further then few steps from the safe zone.

When you're risking 73m+ in deep wild, then you can criticize where he is PKing with it.


Great vid, Nice combos. Was enjoyable. Keep it up :)


Your vids are probably my favorite runescape videos. Dont change anything but the dying with style..


imo awesome hits, but nothing special.

if i wanted to see a vid of big hits on rs id watch a main vid.

i cud sit round edge for weeks on mypure n jus max hits... kinda old now.

wanna see more skill pking, some hybridding and adventuring further then few steps from the safe zone.

Doubt U'd beat those hits in 'weeks'. Every death while trying to get max melee K0s is 5M+... And all I care about is nice k0s. I hate long boring hybridding vids ending up with one person running out of food and getting k0ed by a 20-20 dds spec...

Hybridding is fun to do, but so terribly boring to watch. I enjoy main hybriding with dharoks switches etc but pures, nty.


Seriously nice vid, maybe just 2 or 3 dieing with style clips tho not 10 lol

maybe a bit too much yeah but there was a long build up in the music i couldn't just switch to K0s during that. And Who am I to keep those clips for myself :o those kids wrecked me :o 38 38 29 maul lol fml


Loved it so much i had to watch 2-3 times :)

Tbh it was the best pure edge vid i saw by far.



reading all those comments makes me horny.

However I can't watch the video in my country.... so does anybody know a filefront link or sumthing?


nice vid, not exactly my style though.


wow high hits, gratz!@

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