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I support this Loot

hyb r 1 d

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Damn. How long? A day or two?


nice, i love seeing other people's kills because it makes me feel like there is still hope in me getting a kill over 50k...


makes me want to make a bit of money and go p2p pk


Nice. I got a whip and zerker ring kill on my main earlier today =p.



Nice loot. I think they nerfed the loot because i havnt gotten much from when i killed people.


Nice loot. I think they nerfed the loot because i havnt gotten much from when i killed people.

There's been no system updates. Also, they wouldn't of nerfed the loot, after there has been multiple pictures of Andrew and MMG stating that they think the loot system is perfect in BH.

Maybe you aren't risking enough, or not your targets?


Y4nk33 D33s

nice loots man, keep up the good work

hunt godlink

wow lol nice =p


Wow, good job! :)


Very nicely done mate keep it up :)


i really like the loots too so far, i find i get no items a lot less than i did in pvp

and nice agil brawlers, i got a pair too  :lol:


Could do with them agil brawlers bro, nicely done mate.


god daayum lucky you  :wow:

lulz at tabs in first  :p

PuRe ExTrAcT

Wow dude im impressed. Looks like JaGex fixed up the loot, bet that makes people have a positive feeling about jagex now...almost...lol.


When you get mils from a 50k kill i must disagree that it's hardly a perfect system.


yea inzany its main world I have clawers and stuff so I used tabs


On the last kill, it says the guy's name was str g0d, but the loot took up part of the name.

Can u look and see what the guys full name was? (i had a good friend but lost him some how)

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