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Most OP lower level builds?


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What is the most OP lower level build? Up to 65 Cb

Cb doesnt matter just looking for a fun little pure to build that will dominate whatever level it is against opponents of the same level


Kind of interested in a STOD Pure but never used one


And go.


50 attack g mauler with high range and mage 1 def 1 prayer is so OP


Mauler, seen a few people with low level AGS pures with like 50 strength for risk fighting


Obby mauler with slay staff.

G mauler with either 1 or 13 pray.

Low level ags pure.

Sotd pure.

You could even do a 40 att pure with high range and prod dbow specs.

Just look around pvp worlds/edge or yt and go with whatever you think looks fun.


75atk 70-75str 13-31 pray 






overpowered bro ;)


SOTD pure looks pretty OP.


50 attack g mauler with high range and mage 1 def 1 prayer is so OP


A lot of builds are good and totally depend on your opponents.. I would go gmauler though with 13 or 31 pray


risk fights, 16 attack 80+ str obby maulers, with like 60 range

pvp - void

edge - 13 pray 50 attack


overall most fun - 13 pray 75 att ags pure

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