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should i use this account?

Adam | LayDown

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Adam | LayDown

i recovered my old old pure from like 05, i made him in like 01 lol, anyways he has crap stats and like mayb 3mil cash... idk how much that adds up 2. He has dt done mith gloves mm lost city. Pretty much all pure quests (ill prob get a crystal bow/anchor eventually).

61 atk is ftl, do u think i should get 70 atk? or stay 61 atk hybrid?

plz gimmig feedback


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no start over lol >.> 52 pray and 2 def and 621 at isnt a nice combo

Adam | LayDown

i was thinking of starting over but i dont wanna do dt and mm and all that again

Adam | LayDown

unless som1 give me an acc lol but thats not gonna happen...


01 eh?

uhm i wouldnt play it unless u have bunny ears

Adam | LayDown

no i had 2 sets of phats but transfered over to main


no start over lol >.> 52 pray and 2 def and 621 at isnt a nice combo


Naw i wouldn't do it unless the 61 att and 2 def dosen't bother you cause i know what its like to have to do all those stupid quests again..


I would start over, but i just like my stats 'perfect'.

if it doesnt bother you just play on it :P

Adam | LayDown

ya i think im just gonna start over, im hoping by x-mas i have 100+ qp


no start over lol >.> 52 pray and 2 def and 621 at isnt a nice combo

ya just start over


i wouldnt use the acc. save it for a back up


Yeah cool account, but id start over

Adam | LayDown

thx for input guys <3 u all


Just make sure to keep low prayer as possible on the new account :P


Just make sure to keep low prayer as possible on the new account :P


If you get natural with the hotkeys having 45/52 pray is one of the biggest advantages in a fight.

But if your one of these kids that ranges with 15% str and attack prays on for when you pull your dds stay 1/11.

Basically if your good pray owns, if not you might aswell be using knives and maul like every other 09er

  • 2 weeks later...

id use tbh. Just because its from 01. Just get 70 attack (61 attack will annoy you when you look at it). Be str pure. Dont hybrid on it, Or just get 82 mage.


52 pray is good, 2 def is fine, 61atk is fine, you done nothing wrong, just keep training

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