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Keep 60 or get AGS


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Here are my stats atm.

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I am wondering if I should make the money (which is not a problem) to get an ags. Or get an anchor, keep 60 attack and rape with that.

`discuss. n0flame


Wow very nice man... if I were you I'd focus on getting strength/hp up instead.

Good luck with what yo choose tho.


Anchor is rape, 50 pray = same cb as u are now


stay at ur perfect stats. dont get anchor. then get 200m+ then re-consider ags.


Yeah get 99 strength first, then get an ags when you have the money


stay at ur perfect stats. dont get anchor. then get 200m+ then re-consider ags.

nearly perfect*

almost same stats as mine, except my hps higher, id say stay 60atk and get anchor until like 90+str wit around 200m


FtF Publicity

stay at ur perfect stats. dont get anchor. then get 200m+ then re-consider ags.


Hmm, since 75 attack is melee based and you're range based, you may aswell wait untill you are melee based from getting more strength levels anyway before you get attack :P enjoy being as low combat as possible whilst you still can.


Yeah im thinking same thing, only thing is making the 50 mil that i need for that ags :\


Stay 60 attack until you have enough for an ags and money on top of that to pk with


Pk with 60Atk till u can afford an ags.

if u still like 60Atk then, then not train your ATK

Adam | LayDown

99 str then hybrid ags


Get 99 strength first, pk for a while, if it's easy with 60 attack... (you'll get to fight a lot more pures at the lower combat, trust me, that's a benefit) ...stay 60. If you decide to get 75 attack, MAKE SURE YOU CAN AFFORD AGS BEFORE GETTING 75 ATTACK.

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