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Maxed pure Ags/Dclaws/ss/whip hybrid

bh k0123

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u teled from me and evan roflmao


Not much of a fan of the NHing and what was up with the voider. Looked like a set up kill.



i think your a douche, i dont think you a very good hybrid and i think u suck coz u got teles, but it had some nice hits.


I dont think the skepta fit in too well :O                          ^ NEGATIVE POSTS GUISE

Not bad vid tho, maybe needs a bit of editting  ;)


ur nh tbh

You tell him! You might of forgot..



Don't like seeing videos with gmaul in it.. especially when you can use dds, specing 30s on pures with a gmaul takes no skill, I hit 30s with gmaul without b ring or fire cape, with black gloves.. and im fucking 82 str.

dont get your friends to veng you, and dont hybrid in zammy robes dds 30 barrages and bring teles. lol


Damn, you sure have alot of haters, let me join tha mob.


Adam | LayDown

u all need to stop hating on this kid, not every1 like honor pking, its his choice, i thought for a NH vid it was pretty good

and just ignore the people who tell u ur not a good pker, you are you just have teles.


Not a fan of the nh vids, but i guess it was alright


Will edit.

Wasnt bad. more switches with hybriding please.


Damn, you sure have alot of haters, let me join tha mob.


and its people like you that will never make it as good pure pkers 'join tha mob'  :wow:

not everybody is this game wants to follow shitty made up rules of pking made by somebody that obviously couldnt kill another person so they asked plz no tele or pray :(

on topic.....nice vid and high hits...but should of stuck another grime song in there


Damn, you sure have alot of haters, let me join tha mob.


Ur video post was even dumber than his, gamecubed.


Don't like seeing videos with gmaul in it.. especially when you can use dds, specing 30s on pures with a gmaul takes no skill, I hit 30s with gmaul without b ring or fire cape, with black gloves.. and im fucking 82 str.

dont get your friends to veng you, and dont hybrid in zammy robes dds 30 barrages and bring teles. lol

Kinda lol'd on that one. Bonesaw NH's, and gets veng'd daily with his "expensive armour" that he cannot die with theresbefore he has the motive to get venged but yet, this guy who's unkown atleast here, is a faggot w/e you want to call him just because he does it.

i think your a douche, i dont think you a very good hybrid and i think u suck coz u got teles, but it had some nice hits.

I never, and I repeat, never, saw you replying to a video with a positive comment but yours.

@OP: I think you died with this gear to my friend from Mayhem-Makers didn't you?


Yes i did die with that gear against some1 called mm mike:/


please die in real life

PLease and thank you (n)


people just love to hate, not a bad vid little man expecting better


Was ok i guess, but your nh -.-

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