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thoughts on account


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hi guys,


some of you may have read my intro post but if not i will explain! :)



currently making a pure with the plan to join you guys.. currently its 50 attk and camping rock crabs for strength.



its only 64 strength at the moment and the plan is to get prayer and go nmz to camp 99 soon as i hit 70 str.



i got 2 different ideas on what to do but not really sure so thought id ask you guys.



1.  get 60 attk and camp nmz for strength (slower exp, but account would be able to edge pk a little bit aswel in process)


2. just get 70 attack soon as i hit 70 str.. (will have better exp rates at nmz, but account probably wouldnt be the best for pking)



if im honest the only reason im really making this pure is to join foe, i have a 99 range voider that i can edge pk with if i got bored. but was just wondering how much different the exp rates are for 60attack compared to 70.





Depends if you prefer clanning or 1v1. 60atk if the later, if you prefer clanning defo 70+


If you're making it for FOE, skip the pk'ing bit, go straight for the 70 attack SS strength straining. By the time you're 85+ Strength you'll be able to 75 attack PK with 1 defence.


Recommend staying 1 def till 75/90/1/52/94/90 at the very least, but if you just wanna clan, don't worry about attack.


That said, 60 attack pures are the most fun IMO


If you're making it for FOE, skip the pk'ing bit, go straight for the 70 attack SS strength straining. By the time you're 85+ Strength you'll be able to 75 attack PK with 1 defence.


Recommend staying 1 def till 75/90/1/52/94/90 at the very least, but if you just wanna clan, don't worry about attack.


That said, 60 attack pures are the most fun IMO


If you're making it for FOE, skip the pk'ing bit, go straight for the 70 attack SS strength straining. By the time you're 85+ Strength you'll be able to 75 attack PK with 1 defence.


Recommend staying 1 def till 75/90/1/52/94/90 at the very least, but if you just wanna clan, don't worry about attack.


That said, 60 attack pures are the most fun IMO


This ^^^^


Experienced 70 attack pking...it really aint as fun as it used to be. 



if im honest the only reason im really making this pure is to join foe, 


Then get 70 att or even 75.


If you're making it for FOE, skip the pk'ing bit, go straight for the 70 attack SS strength straining. By the time you're 85+ Strength you'll be able to 75 attack PK with 1 defence.


Recommend staying 1 def till 75/90/1/52/94/90 at the very least, but if you just wanna clan, don't worry about attack.


That said, 60 attack pures are the most fun IMO


This ^^^^


Experienced 70 attack pking...it really aint as fun as it used to be.

I pk in edge/east/west/pvp/... With 75 attack. It's more fun than 60 atk because I can finally kill zerks/mains/voiders with ags. It was the best choice to go 75 atk for me. U get 68k xp per hr with d scim @ 90 str+ and like 75-85k str xp per hour with SS


If you're making it for FOE, skip the pk'ing bit, go straight for the 70 attack SS strength straining. By the time you're 85+ Strength you'll be able to 75 attack PK with 1 defence.


Recommend staying 1 def till 75/90/1/52/94/90 at the very least, but if you just wanna clan, don't worry about attack.


That said, 60 attack pures are the most fun IMO


This ^^^^


Experienced 70 attack pking...it really aint as fun as it used to be. 




Having the same issue with my account, probs gonna max it at 60 attack and go from there really. I can always go 75 but can never go back so take it one step at a time id say


good luck on the training grind

stay 1 def 


thanks for all opinions guys!


I suggest 60 attack if you're pking. I regret getting 75.


Option 1.


60 Attack, 90+ Strength, 1 Defence, 52 Prayer, 90+ Ranged, 94+ Magic.




After that you can always choose for 75 Attack with 95+ Strength or something.

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