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Best Clan of 2015


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if tlp won best leadership but nothing else does that mean their members r retarded?

yea = D


l0000000000000l kyp other clans


Glad other clans realize what we already knew.

2016 repeat, legggo


You may say Sharkbrew is a load of crap.. But a forum with so many Pro TLP and TLP members hoarding the site its nice to see we won these.

tbh i was surprised myself lol. Thought the same thing


Epic. Goodjob homies


Can someone gif this or something so it flicks through them all. Cheers


end of the day I never needed a title to know that we were on top in P2P + preps.


eww wtf they shoulda hired l8l to make em


Congratulations guys.

Posted (edited)

and you only lost all of these! ZUbyMmY.gif

how can u have most improved and most consistent at the same time? most improved because tlp was irrelevant for the majority of 2015 so how are they most consistent in 2015?



just proves tlp has a lot more members on sb voting for themselves lmao

Edited by Heismberg
I J3r I Pur3



and you only lost all of these! ZUbyMmY.gif

best community? Lmfao you have retarded people like 9gag and merky and best leadership with hanufag as leader??? God bless

oops how tf do you delete posts

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