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False accusion 54 year-old streamer


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A 54 year-old man who streams Runecape 3 on Twitch got accused of being a pedophile who had sexual contact with a 13 year old girl for three times. (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/massachusetts-man-john-phililps-sex-teen-married-online-game-runescape-cops-article-1.136655)


Turned out not to be him. Thousands of people joined his stream and supported the old man, named Tony. This is his Twitch account by the way: http://www.twitch.tv/rsgloryandgold


This video tells the story, ran in to it this morning: 




Insane to see how a bunch of amateurs like #DramaAlert can make a false story like this. It is nice to see the whole Communnity protected him. Feel sorry for the man actually.


the problem is, even if falsely accused ignorant fools still put the man through a grinder, even after proven innocent.


Every old man on the internet is a pedophile, every girl that games is a money hungry slut, every better than average gamer is a nerd, and every buff guy on the internet is on roids. 


Every old man on the internet is a pedophile, every girl that games is a money hungry slut, every better than average gamer is a nerd, and every buff guy on the internet is on roids. 


Even worse on Facebook. People believe anything, put a picture up of a random marine or Muslim up there and have a caption of made up bullshit about how he was a hero, an addict or a terrorist and 99% of the world we believe and re-share. That's why I hate media tbh.


Same goes for shit like this. People just jump to conclusions, nobody uses their brains anymore.


tlp is horrible pure clan


He's 62 and his name's Tony. I found his stream about a month ago and have been watching him regularly ever since. He's literally the nicest guy you'll ever meet. I didn't even know this was going on and he definitely did not deserve to be humiliated like that. 


In fact I just opened his stream and I see he has 7000 viewers when he had around 80 watching him 2 days ago. I'm glad this turned out to be a good thing for him. As for the "DramaAlert" channel they should be ashamed of themselves for spreading wrong information like that.


Awwww poor guy, to be honest everyone is entitled to play this game.


They took this way to far and should have checked first before releasing the video.


I hope he fucking destroys whoever fucked him over with a lawsuit.


Awwww poor guy, to be honest everyone is entitled to play this game.


They took this way to far and should have checked first before releasing the video.


I hope he fucking destroys whoever fucked him over with a lawsuit.


Getting the name of sexoffender when ur innocent is so tragic. :c




Every old man on the internet is a pedophile, every girl that games is a money hungry slut, every better than average gamer is a nerd, and every buff guy on the internet is on roids. 


Every girl is a guy on rs 


Even worse on Facebook. People believe anything, put a picture up of a random marine or Muslim up there and have a caption of made up bullshit about how he was a hero, an addict or a terrorist and 99% of the world we believe and re-share. That's why I hate media tbh.


Same goes for shit like this. People just jump to conclusions, nobody uses their brains anymore.

ye thats why its tragic to be labelled as a sexoffender 


+ creating a channel with the purpose to talk about drama or create more of a stir about something. cant this grown ass man do something else with his time rather than being a 15 yo girl who gossips about petty shit?


Every old man on the internet is a pedophile, every girl that games is a money hungry slut, every better than average gamer is a nerd, and every buff guy on the internet is on roids. 


hes retired and fucked more bitches than all of us


he also served in 'nam




lmfao this dude is so funny


idk what to think of this.


i really feel for this guy nobody at that age should have to go through that it touched me a bit.

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