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D Warhammer [What you need to know]


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Posted (edited)
Just a little overview on the new Dragon Warhammer that was introduced today. Basic facts about it incase you're interested.

60 atk

+85 str
+95 crush
- 4 mage & atk / slash

50% spec, def lowerd 30%

50% dmg when spec

ags is 125% dmg when spec
dds better

+ side is pvm and max crush for 60 atk pures

= shit wep



credits @@BKG







http://services.runescape.com/m=news/the-dragon-warhammer?oldschool=1 for the full topic update review.





-Best 60 att "Crush" attack style weapon.

-Viable for certain bosses both on pures and mains. Limited results at the moment, we will find out though.

-50% spec lowers opponents defence by 30% (1 def cap it's kind of redundant, but in other use can be useful)

-Can hit high and is a one-handed weapon

-Requirements to wield and obtain are relatively low. (60 att + 100% Shayzien favor. 20 def armour to make it efficient?)

-Faster than godswords (can hit three times in the same time a godsword hits twice)




-Most likely will not become a viable prep item. There are better weapons than it and the special attack becomes quite useless in fights with 1 def cap.


-Expect high price for it in the beginning.


-50% damage increase when speccing compared to ags which is better ("Like all godswords, the Armadyl godsword has a special attack, The Judgment which deals damage with a 37.5% ( 125% multiplied by the hidden 110% every godsword possesses) higher maximum hit than a normal attack, using 50% of the special attack bar.")


Max hit Armadyl godsword = 70 50% *

Max hit DWH = 63 50% (@bkg) *




*1 def max gear


creds @


tl;dr - For pures it will not be that significant of an item, mostly just for certain PvM fights. For 60 att fights it can be useful, but the ags remains better if you have access to it.



If someone spots mistakes or has some specifications to add let me know. This is based on brief research.

Edited by Liv
Posted (edited)

"Like all godswords, the Armadyl godsword has a special attack,

The Judgment which deals damage with a 37.5% ( 125% multiplied

by the hidden 110% every godsword possesses) higher maximum hit

than a normal attack, using 50% of the special attack bar."


It's a 37.5% dmg increase for the Armadyl godsword not 125%. =)


Max hit Armadyl godsword = 70

Max hit DWH (mith. defender) = 65-66

Edited by Radical

"Like all godswords, the Armadyl godsword has a special attack,

The Judgment which deals damage with a 37.5% ( 125% multiplied

by the hidden 110% every godsword possesses) higher maximum hit

than a normal attack, using 50% of the special attack bar."


It's a 37.5% dmg increase for the Armadyl godsword not 125%. =)


thanks for clarifying the hiddens and shit



"Like all godswords, the Armadyl godsword has a special attack,

The Judgment which deals damage with a 37.5% ( 125% multiplied

by the hidden 110% every godsword possesses) higher maximum hit

than a normal attack, using 50% of the special attack bar."


It's a 37.5% dmg increase for the Armadyl godsword not 125%. =)


thanks for clarifying the hiddens and shit





Need 20 defence to kill lizardmen(?) so we acnt even hunt for it


unconfirmed. if someone knows please let us know. so far I only know that it's 100% favor at Shayzien.


"Like all godswords, the Armadyl godsword has a special attack,

The Judgment which deals damage with a 37.5% ( 125% multiplied

by the hidden 110% every godsword possesses) higher maximum hit

than a normal attack, using 50% of the special attack bar."


It's a 37.5% dmg increase for the Armadyl godsword not 125%. =)


Max hit Armadyl godsword = 70

Max hit DWH (mith. defender) = 65-66


whats the max hit with 1 def compared to dds?


Interesting doubt i'll buy it will probably drop a lot within the first few days


its going to be a fun weapon to pk whit 


Might be a pretty decent for 60 attacks theoretically in preps because of it's accuracy, but dscims are better so...probably just a niche PVM item (especially for bossing/corp).


Still looks decent

Posted (edited)

1 def max gear specs


dwh - 63

dds - 74



Edited by BKG


Need 20 defence to kill lizardmen(?) so we acnt even hunt for it


unconfirmed. if someone knows please let us know. so far I only know that it's 100% favor at Shayzien.


I think you need the armour to not get raped by the new lizardmen attack if you want to get one yourself


Decent for 60 attackers but can't see it being a good prep item.




Need 20 defence to kill lizardmen(?) so we acnt even hunt for it


unconfirmed. if someone knows please let us know. so far I only know that it's 100% favor at Shayzien.


I think you need the armour to not get raped by the new lizardmen attack if you want to get one yourself



fair enough. thanks for clarifying.

Posted (edited)

doubt i'll ever use it, thanks for the info though :)

Edited by 0o Pk R 0o

Wonder hm its going to go for


Still gonna buy it coz I can see it being good for edge pking on 60 attack pures (like myself) dwh to g maul sounds good to me


Skill specs running around using it. it looks pretty fun. think it will be a fun wep and the variety will be great anyway. not every weapon has to be the best :)


Not better than DDS for 60 att


Not better than AGS for 75 att


Looks good for Staking dwh-2dds purespam making doe

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