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1, 13 or 20 Def?


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Posted (edited)

Currently I'm 1 defence, 0 xp. I have been grinding nmz and just throwing together a pure to clan with when I'm not on my main trying to get dat max cape. 


Everyone rightfully says "you havent maxed yet, dont rush defence, wait till you fuck up and get it up".


I know i'll max innately. and I am planning to max out 99 slayer (for the second time) and I want that slayer helm.


If you were in my shoes and wanted to PvM for pets and slayer, but were all about pking....would you convert from 1 defence?



Also is 20 defense, 60 attack viable in your opinion?




60 Attack

88 Strength

1 Defence

80 Range 

52 Prayer (with Anchor, 159Qp)

94 Mage

Edited by Birdman

20 def, 75 or 99 attack if you strictly going to clan & don't pk


20 def, 75 or 99 attack if you strictly going to clan & don't pk


If you pk, 1 def 60/75 attack


If you pk but clan as well 20 def isn't too bad


13 is just eh


I agree with the whole fuck up thing thats when i went from 1 def to 20. If you are serious about 99 slayer on a pure 13/20 for slayer helm would make it a lot more efficent for you.

10/13 def perks addy gloves, slayer helm

20 mystic and initiate and being a mith tank in f2p.

If you still want to solo pk keep your defense at 1, the more combats the more cancer it gets.

20 def 60 attack naww just max out 106 cb like me :p

Posted (edited)

if you want to be a pure get one defence, if you want to be a main get 13-20 :)

Edited by Brenden

30 def til I die


I agree with the whole fuck up thing thats when i went from 1 def to 20. If you are serious about 99 slayer on a pure 13/20 for slayer helm would make it a lot more efficent for you.

10/13 def perks addy gloves, slayer helm

20 mystic and initiate and being a mith tank in f2p.

If you still want to solo pk keep your defense at 1, the more combats the more cancer it gets.



This :)


I went ahead and got 13 Defence to make the road to 99 Slayer slightly quicker. Don't regret it, but I'm finding it to be a somewhat pointless build. Constantly considering getting 20 for Initiate. I'd suggest either staying 1 and just sticking it out until 99 Slayer or just get 20.


If you pk, 1 def 60/75 attack


If you pk but clan as well 20 def isn't too bad


13 is just eh


See this is why I love you guys, active and actually respond, these forums are hype. What I got from this mainly was to chill at 1 defence and max out first. Any other input is still greatly appreciated. I am indecisive as fuck, but mainly because I dont want to regret anything.


1, the lower cb you are the better. I NEVER have to worry about mains killing me in the wildy :) 


25 defence is where its at.

But get 20 for nmz bonus with slayer helm etc :)

Posted (edited)

If your sole purpose is clanning and slayer get 20, you have all the benefits of 13 def plus the extra benefits of initiate and mith for f2p trips.

Personally I would get 75 or 99 att, it will make training a lot faster and you can use ags/sgs.

If you solo pk and can do without slay helm then stay 60 att 1 def and grind hard.

Good luck with your decision mate and your goals!

Edit: Try and max out or atleast have triple 90s before getting def.

Edited by Simpler

1 def master race



You have defense you noob


20 def, 75 or 99 attack if you strictly going to clan & don't pk


This, Depends how you use the account or play rs.


13 def pretty unique, u shud go for that imo


13 def is pretty nice with slayer helm, new robes and addy gloves =)


If you pk, 1 def 60/75 attack


If you pk but clan as well 20 def isn't too bad


13 is just eh


13 def is pretty nice with slayer helm, new robes and addy gloves =)

How can you say that with such a perfect 1 defence 60 attack, are you ever tempted lol?

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