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95-99 Hp


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Hey guys do any of you have a rough idea on how many pc points it is? Someone told me a while ago but I've since forgotten the amount and also forgotten who told me.

I wasn't going to worry so much because I planned on going for 99 att but now I'm most likely going to hold off on 99 att.

Thanks in advance!


I did this ages ago, cant remember exactly how many points it was but it was a very long grind.


I did this ages ago, cant remember exactly how many points it was but it was a very long grind.



Is it worth just grinding it out in nmz rather than camping Pc?

Posted (edited)



Im doing pest control from 96-99 hp cuz i want to keep 75 attack. and I've been doing it for fucking 3 months now.


I'm guessing it's about 5,600 pest points if you're hp xp is around 9,750,000xp (found an 07 calc.) spending 100 points give 10% more xp.


i have 1mil xp to go till 99 hp, and 100 points gives me about 58k xp? at 97 i was getting about 57k per 100. I have 520 points saved up atm, but that's only what 250-300k xp? lmfao gf me,.


bots don't help, some nights i win half the games played, and sometimes you have to resort to the low lvl boat and only get 2 points cuz u can solo those games alright. and if you see people advertise a cc where a group is all playing and rushing it, take advantage cuz that's the fastest points you'll get. lol


also interesting fact i just read on the 07 wiki. " Players cannot have more than 4000 points at a time."

Edited by W3

Calculate like 65k xp per 100 points as you get xp in game as well.


barraging also helps a bit, i went from 94-95 mage in these couple months, seeing large pest clumps.




Im doing pest control from 96-99 hp cuz i want to keep 75 attack. and I've been doing it for fucking 3 months now.


I'm guessing it's about 5,600 pest points if you're hp xp is around 9,750,000xp (found an 07 calc.) spending 100 points give 10% more xp.


i have 1mil xp to go till 99 hp, and 100 points gives me about 58k xp? at 97 i was getting about 57k per 100. I have 520 points saved up atm, but that's only what 250-300k xp? lmfao gf me,.


bots don't help, some nights i win half the games played, and sometimes you have to resort to the low lvl boat and only get 2 points cuz u can solo those games alright. and if you see people advertise a cc where a group is all playing and rushing it, take advantage cuz that's the fastest points you'll get. lol


also interesting fact i just read on the 07 wiki. " Players cannot have more than 4000 points at a time."

Yeah I just haven't decided whether I'll go 99 att later down the track or stay 75 att 100%

I'll just give it some time and decide whether I'll go 99 att or just camp Pc, thanks for the info it was really helpful.


i slaved hp xp for a guy and he was already above 95 hp, needed more than 3k PCP, just blowpipe the thing or anything else cuz u will have the biggest grind ever lol


i slaved hp xp for a guy and he was already above 95 hp, needed more than 3k PCP, just blowpipe the thing or anything else cuz u will have the biggest grind ever lol

Yeah it sounds like way to much work lol might just Bp slayer or get 99 att


Even I tried the pest control grind. I couldn't do it :(

Posted (edited)

just do extra nmz with str or range for that hitpoints xp.

thats so much wasted gp on ppots you do like 15 inventories for 1 hp lvl. unless u do the absorption pot thing and pray flick, if that's still a thing. if so would save hella $ but still take fucking ages souly on hp leveling.


edit: well maybe not, all those extra NMZ points you're getting you would eventually make more money back with herb boxes. again, would be months accumulating them.

Edited by W3

If you're going to stay 75 then do it in pest control for sure if you're going 99 however go nmz


Few foe lads doing this but I don't recall who. Check the goals and achievements section.




Im doing pest control from 96-99 hp cuz i want to keep 75 attack. and I've been doing it for fucking 3 months now.


I'm guessing it's about 5,600 pest points if you're hp xp is around 9,750,000xp (found an 07 calc.) spending 100 points give 10% more xp.


i have 1mil xp to go till 99 hp, and 100 points gives me about 58k xp? at 97 i was getting about 57k per 100. I have 520 points saved up atm, but that's only what 250-300k xp? lmfao gf me,.


bots don't help, some nights i win half the games played, and sometimes you have to resort to the low lvl boat and only get 2 points cuz u can solo those games alright. and if you see people advertise a cc where a group is all playing and rushing it, take advantage cuz that's the fastest points you'll get. lol


also interesting fact i just read on the 07 wiki. " Players cannot have more than 4000 points at a time."

how long does it take to earn 100 points? 


few people in foe have done it, ask slap


Damn that sounds like a hell of a grind. gl


slay for 99 hp and stay 75 att

  • 3 weeks later...

slay it for sure way more enjoyable


Ither Slay or just nmz it, At least its constant exp and no bullshit waiting for games. Also can make long term profit with points and herb boxes or just cash out at a lil loss with buckets of sand.


nmz would be faster mate! 

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