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pvm clan I run

dj yolobear

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do you know what paradox means 


also you should think about adding 70 agil as a req


best of luck! =]


also you should think about adding 70 agil as a req


best of luck! =]


it's a req for ranking m8




Mr raccoon toss is already an experienced member


When I had my first maxed main in 2007/2008 when God Wars came out. It was 70 prayer and maxed melee stats. I joined a PVM team and it was some of the best fun i've had in RuneScape. 


Best of luck with your clan!


When I had my first maxed main in 2007/2008 when God Wars came out. It was 70 prayer and maxed melee stats. I joined a PVM team and it was some of the best fun i've had in RuneScape. 


Best of luck with your clan!


Thanks Toby, been fun thus far.




yeee pvm on marten's acc!

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