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Farming Level


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Well, got 85 farm today :)

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Edit: Got also 1600 total :) (Sorry for not cropping)

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Nice man, join foe now n33b :p

I wish I could, I wish I could....

grats, going for 99?

On the long term yes, currently doing dwarf weeds, papaya's, cactus and calquat. My goal is to have 99 farm before summer :p


Nice total.

What's with the prayer?

Hmm, well, I made this account to get in Foe (that was my dream). But I hate solo pk, and I love pking in clans ;). But due to my timezone and sports, I cant make trips, so I decided to get higher pray. It's definitely gonna help me with slayer and more stuff, and I really don't care how high my combat lvl is for a pure, so yeah, that's the reason :p

Adam | LayDown

nice :)



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