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Anyone ever run the numbers on 1,13,20Def?

Why 13 Def

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so basically a while back i ran some numbers for an obby clan to see which weapon would be best to train with(except Slayer staff ofc) And it was kind of suprising. So im wondering if anyone has ran the numbers and came up with which build : 1 : 13 : 20 is statistically better for the combat levels gained/not gained?

The stats taken into consideration would be overall defence. Range atk bonus, mage atk bonus. And finaly possible melee accuracy/str bonus(E.g 13/20def have acess to black/mith defender respectively)


Just wondering if it's been done and if not would people be interested in maybe having me do it?


No idea tbh, sounds interesting though


I remember doing the pro's and cons of 13 def vs 1 def before I got 13, but never went that far in depth with what you're thinking. 


Well when I was maxed 75 attack with 1 def and 52 prayer I was 87 cb, and when I then got 20 def I was 91 combat... so not a big increase at all, and I gained addy gloves, mith defender, mystic, initiate, mithril armour for f2p, ability to use a whip and not be scared, ability to use a d spear and not be scared, etc... the advnatages wellllll outweighed the 4 cb levels gained from 1 to 20 def.


Well when I was maxed 75 attack with 1 def and 52 prayer I was 87 cb, and when I then got 20 def I was 91 combat... so not a big increase at all, and I gained addy gloves, mith defender, mystic, initiate, mithril armour for f2p, ability to use a whip and not be scared, ability to use a d spear and not be scared, etc... the advnatages wellllll outweighed the 4 cb levels gained from 1 to 20 def.

Yeah but i want numbers like i get all thats good but statistically is it worth it, also only 4 combat levels? thought it'd be more than that. but thanks for this.

The reason i feel its a needed thing is because now 10defence has its own mage armour making it a more viable option i feel. It might also help out some new people seeing numbers that can say for example "X will increase Y amount" but "Z will only increase this much"


i think everyone agreed that 29 def was best


i think everyone agreed that 29 def was best

what does 29 offer iver 20 other than the obvious defence levels? any gear etc? i know 25 gives you the fremmy shield i think?


All depends on what you use it for I guess, I assume single pking as in edge/bridding?


It's not just your personal bonuses when you go up 4 combat levels; there's the bonuses of the people you're fighting


E.G 4 combat levels fighting a zerker could be like 6/7 str levels lol


i think everyone agreed that 29 def was best



i think everyone agreed that 29 def was best



  • 10 def pures are the elite
  • Black (g) is the tits
  • 20+ def is not a pure


To answer your question, I doubt anyone has run the numbers

  • 10 def pures are the elite
  • Black (g) is the tits
  • 20+ def is not a pure


To answer your question, I doubt anyone has run the numbers


lmao depends on where/how you pk...... ////Thread


lmao depends on where/how you pk...... ////Thread

yeah i get that. i may have worded my initial post wrong i said which is better, maybe it should have been what each level of defence has to offer.


obv def would come out on top lol but real niggas are 1 def


i think everyone agreed that 29 def was best

siden yet again preaching the truth 



i think everyone agreed that 29 def was best

siden yet again preaching the truth 


siden wins again




i think everyone agreed that 29 def was best

siden yet again preaching the truth 


siden wins again


siden is my boy


obv def would come out on top lol but real niggas are 1 def


it is entirely dependent on how you want to play the game 



Well when I was maxed 75 attack with 1 def and 52 prayer I was 87 cb, and when I then got 20 def I was 91 combat... so not a big increase at all, and I gained addy gloves, mith defender, mystic, initiate, mithril armour for f2p, ability to use a whip and not be scared, ability to use a d spear and not be scared, etc... the advnatages wellllll outweighed the 4 cb levels gained from 1 to 20 def.

Yeah but i want numbers like i get all thats good but statistically is it worth it, also only 4 combat levels? thought it'd be more than that. but thanks for this.

The reason i feel its a needed thing is because now 10defence has its own mage armour making it a more viable option i feel. It might also help out some new people seeing numbers that can say for example "X will increase Y amount" but "Z will only increase this much"


Idk just get two people with the same combat level one with 1 def maybe a level 85 cb and a person with 20 def and 85 cb, and to take away the skill portion of it jsut the stat portion, have both of them with the best offensive/defensive gear they can have.. mith defender, addy gloves, etc... then have them fight but they both just have a full inve of sharks, and you just both use same weapon like a whip, and see who has better DPS on the other, first to run out of sharks and see how wide that margin is and repeat.


1def if you're a muffin maker, 20def if you like winning


what do you mean run the numbers? just look up the item stats on 2007scapewiki?


what do you mean run the numbers? just look up the item stats on 2007scapewiki?

I mean get percentages on which build offers more bonus' for levels gained(or not gained in 1 defs case) It would be a case of combining all max gear for each tier, both defensive and ofensive.


so lets say max range bonus was +150 on 1defence and 155 on 13 then 170 on 20defence (just pulled these numbers out of nowhere)

So in this example 13 Def has a 3% ofensive bonus, While 20 def offerse a 13% bonus.

13 Def = 3combat levels so its a gain of 1% per combat level.

20 Def = 5combat levels so its a gain of 2.2% per combat level

So in this example 20 Def offers more per combat level gained in regards to range bonus.

Like i said this was just an example



If you get 13 it'd be dumb not to get 20. Only like 2 cmbs

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