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Divine's Weekly Beer Review: Guinness Blonde


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Hello everyone! Each week I will be purchasing a different 6 pack of beer and providing my professional review of my purchase.




In honor of Connor McGregor, this weekend I purchased some Guinness Blonde Beer.

Let me just say; The Guinness hype really had my expectations pretty high only to let me down.


It really is your typical "American Beer" plain tasting with no hops, or added hints of flavor. I would honestly say that it actually ranks LOWER than a Sam Adams Lager but higher than your typical Bud / Miller beers.


Im not sure if they sell it in the UK or not (they probably do) but don't bother with this one lad's. American lagers are pretty shit.


My Rating: 5/10


Would not buy again. Pay an extra 2$ to get a nicer beer / IPA.

Edited by `Divine
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Could guessed this would have been rank, although I prefer bottled beer in general, Guinness is great from the pump. Really couldn't imagine it in the bottle.



Looking forward to this weekly review :P

Edited by `Ben
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