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Yikes We Hit A Nerve


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my god they are gonna get DOOMinated ;)



mate you started with the puns


lmaofao fooom is a fkn joke lmfao fkn retard fkn ryn hermon e tryna act fkn boiiig hahahah wat a fucjking stuid fuuckin fagggont hahaha stuvpud dead clan fucking retard bullied like no outher cklan  cant do shit wornt do shit enjy 39 def fucjing retard hahahahahahahah fshuti dead fuciubg sgut fcyjubg fucking shiut fucjkers ahahah


lmaofao fooom is a fkn joke lmfao fkn retard fkn ryn hermon e tryna act fkn boiiig hahahah wat a fucjking stuid fuuckin fagggont hahaha stuvpud dead clan fucking retard bullied like no outher cklan  cant do shit wornt do shit enjy 39 def fucjing retard hahahahahahahah fshuti dead fuciubg sgut fcyjubg fucking shiut fucjkers ahahah



we pulled more than them to f2p


now thats when you know you are slumping lmfao doom fucking suck 


Doom is already teaming with other clans


Doom is already teaming with other clans

Eom tlm doomed alliance, As if Doomed could hold a candle to FOE, lmfao.


jesus christ. i'd be scared about this after seeing zeniths accomplishments!!!! 


Fought them in Mpc for a fair few months, Nothing to worry about Sounds like more free loot.




Zenith gonna Zenith

the highest point lmfao


CT closed zenith?





I closed zenith





Zenith gonna Zenith

the highest point lmfao


CT closed zenith?





I closed zenith


i closed ur mummas legs


Roughly a year ago I caught Ari in a stream somewhere and he told me to come back to scape, I was excited to train up and join my former zenith friends in this clan called "Doom" Cut a few months later I'm ready to app for a clan and I'm literally disgusted to see what my friends from zenith have become.. fucking shitclan, all you had to do was become slightly above average yet they fail to do even that



Didn't even try to be Pures went straight to 35 def lmfao


Nothing but FOE rejects


doom still chatting tons of shit then lmao 


tlm eom alliance alrdy

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