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Final Ownage Elite Monday Pk Session Wildi Pkri Vs Sv 14/03/16


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Final Ownage Elite left mass with 35+, later peaking at ~43 elites, and had a pretty awesome day in the wilderness today with a lot of nice action.


Thanks to all clans for the fights today and to all elites for showing up!











First fight of the night, we defended east of sperm, sv rushed from west. We quickly positioned ourselves in a better spot. Caught massive clumps as they tried to push on top of us. After a while of fighting they maneuvered themselves toward 26 hills and attempted to push south while we stood our ground got kills, we then killed majority of them. They pulled off to sperm we cleared them up on sperm, tlp rush in with 15-20 we kill them also but most of them just instant teled. Gf both clans.




2nd round, they defended on 26 hill, we rushed them, we pushed them off the hill, they pushed toward sperm hill, we followed gained the upper hand, then tlp rush in we pull off east, we kill anyone that followed, we pulled to 26 hill where tlp attempted to push onto it, but they made a mistake and all of them teled instantly. We then waiting on sperm hill with no bank and tons of loot, sv re-rush from getting a proper regroup at corp, we fight them off, tlp crash from the north again, we push through everyone toward the west side of sperm, sv and tlp fought for a bit i guess sv teled out. Tlp re rush sperm, we gained 30~ ppl at the pond we fought tlp for a while, then tlp instantly tele out as soon as they noticed their members dropping like flies. Shortly as they tele out sv rush in after their 2nd regroup in from corp we manage to log out in the nick of time, gf both clans.



Finally the last bit of action, we defended on dwarfs ,sv rush from north and we have tlp to our south so we are sandwiched we push through to the north east corner of dwarfs, kill anyone that followed us. Tlp at this point are to the south as we start to focus them sv and their hunger to get a win start focusing us, we managed to hold it off for a bit, but the amount of mains and stuff was too op for us. We pulled it to corp sv did not follow, we re rushed and focused a few tlp lingering around the area and killed them off. As a last attempt sv tryed to re-rush us but we were ready for them and they shit bricks and ran the other way we caught like 10- 15 sv trying to run / tele / log out. Gf both clans. 



Posted (edited)


Edited by Belgian

Nice lads


we cleared sv 3 times on 1 inv


Looked like a feast. Shame I was watching footy ;/


Was a nice first trip, Very different to Cd, actually organised and ran smoothly good trip lads, Looking forward to many more.


Didn't lose a ZGS..



decent pull for a monday

Durty Sprite

Need more of these

Pathetic Foe
Posted (edited)


Edited by Pathetic Foe

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