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My first ever 99 :]


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Woot, played for like 6-7 years now, and i've never stuck it out to 99, but i stuck to it this time =]

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Grats man! Nice skillcape to have.


Now actually make a decent acc lol.


Actually make a decent acc? how is it not decent? lol. Just because i'm getting 60 attack first doesn't mean i'm not getting higher strength.

Or did you mean actually stick to getting a 99 combat skill?



Might get hunter after my combat goals, seeing as it's a nice skill cape.



Might get hunter after my combat goals, seeing as it's a nice skill cape.

Ya does look pretty cool, nice amount of money in the process too, if you do chins.

get 60 str instead of 30 str.. d claws wif 30 str is gonna fucking fail yo


Ya i will get 60 str, but 32 can't hurt to try out, it'll raise pretty quick anyway, if it fails, then i'll just go straight back to training.


Gratz man! my first 99 was strength.


gratz :PP

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