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To all TLP members


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Posted (edited)

If you plan to apply for Final Ownage Elite you may need to make a new account since we don't accept 30 defence




JK. we don't want kids who get 1 banged on 37 defence accounts using actual pures and shitty attitudes



Keep @@Bloody btw

Edited by Jordan_

hmm would we really want any tlp members anyway? they are all fucked in the head!


I wouldn't have them....


Poor members with terrible attitudes who formed a pathetic community... wouldnt want that cancer here.

I wouldn't have them....


Poor members with terrible attitudes who formed a pathetic community... wouldnt want that cancer here.


U can PVM on your main also instead of bringing it to pure trips to increase your cape counter hehehe


U can PVM on your main also instead of bringing it to pure trips to increase your cape counter hehehe


damn. 29 it is.


If TLP couldn't even beat us in the full out or preps (3-20), why would we want that member quality here? Especially on an actual pure where you need more than average skill.


Yeah what Walli said, Who the fuck wants that toxicity around them, Just look at there recruiting site (Sharkbrew)


Our applicants are better than their actual members (as shown in our last prep vs them), lmao no thanks


boo tlp u stink havoc closed you once now foe


Total Lackadaisical Pricks , group of wannabe warriors who stack defence hoping it will carry them through fights.......lame as fuck


no gay zone


soz tlp


30 defence and mains, can't compete to save their lives.


30 defence and mains, can't compete to save their lives.

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