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20 def?

p-k to edge

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Should i get 20 def? I am into hybriding although I just started to hybrid. I can also make enough for corrupt armours(800k per hr :shifty:) so I can use them against targs and for rushing :wub:.

My stats are:

60 attack

71 strength

72 ranged(getting to 80)

74 magic(getting to 82)

2 defence :angry:

44 prayer

66 hp

Thanks for the advice.


No way, not yet. If you're going to get 20 defence, get ATLEAST 94 mage, 90+ range 90+ strength first.

That's when i got 20 defence, and it improves gameplay.


Maybe just a little bit of sw.


no. but you are 2 defence. so you should start over :)


Naw just keep the 2 def, doesnt matter.  Definately dont get 20 def with those stats.



what stats should i get it at then?


Never lol.


never get defence purposely, i learnt that the hard way :P


lol hybrid, u can hybrid with any def lvl. why would u get 20 def to hybrid rofl?


lol hybrid, u can hybrid with any def lvl. why would u get 20 def to hybrid rofl?

better hybrid gear such as corrupt and mystic.

20 defense leads to more defense!! dont get it :<

and if ur going to atleast get higher stats lol

Im A Fucking Dildo

fyl 2 def go head get 61 attk


dont get 20 def imo.

wish i didnt, 1 def was the shit.


thats what i mean: if u have 2 def, never never get def like 5 or 20

never do def I=)

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