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Kills below 25 ep are shitty these past 3 days

E O H Shak

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All of my kills below 25 ep have been shit these past 3 days

all the people i killed were risking at least 30k because they all had rune simi's

some even had rune b axes and r2h's

the loots looked like this mostly a str pot, ruby ammy, and hella pies or some random junk that came out to less then 5k in loot

is anyone else experiencing this?


You're F2P pking with 25/200 EP or w/e it is so it's pretty obvious why you're getting bad loot....


F2P loots are always shit, l2p2p


But im not p2p lol

Why not?  :(


I don't see myself being a sucessful p2p pker with my account having 1 prayer

and all i do when i play rs is ep and pk


The F2p % is higher than the P2p,25% in f2p is like 10% in P2p


I don't see myself being a sucessful p2p pker with my account having 1 prayer

and all i do when i play rs is ep and pk

are you a successful f2p pker?

im 1 prayer and I still manage to do good.


I don't see myself being a sucessful p2p pker with my account having 1 prayer

and all i do when i play rs is ep and pk

are you a successful f2p pker?

ive got 12 kills today and died only once so i do ok


read my rant, I tried risking like 200k on f2p and still I would get the same loot you did.


Me too, my friend got 1m+ loots twice on 0 EP, hes a lucky fucker '-'


I don't see myself being a sucessful p2p pker with my account having 1 prayer

and all i do when i play rs is ep and pk

1 prayer is epic, your cb will be really low. You've not even tried p2p out. The only difference between f2p and p2p is p2p requires skill.


and this is why f2p pking fails. I usually get like 100-200k drops from 25 ep. also 1 prayer = great for p2p, I don't see why you think it would fail. If you think you need protection prayers, I do fine with 31 prayer(got before the fucking +1 world update ffs) so it's not a problem. p2p pking is way more fun, way more profitable, and just... better. if you can't afford the HORRENDOUSLY EXPENSIVE $5-7 a month, I dont see how you can afford internet/a computer.

Guest Emote|Muse

suicide is your only option


i agree with sam. Kinda in p2p u get pretty bad loots. but target kills r usually decent.


I dont see how you can have fun f2p pking. Its so fucking boring rofl


Yeah your going to get rubbish loot mate it's like having 15% or lower in P2P, I'm the opposite to you ! I hate F2P pking suppose it's because your finishing hits can't be as dramatic. Try P2P and if you don't like it don't pay next month. Nice topic though, Sparc_You_X


just saying because last week i was constantly killing people on 1 people and getting minimum 50k loots

now i kill on lower then 25 ep and i get a 5k loot


and oh yah i forgot on p2p i would be a low cb pure again lol

ive been f2p pking so much that im always seeing like lvl 65 - 70's with 99 str and 40 att

but i have 61 att which is good for p2p since that when dragon weapons come in play :)


Yeah nice bro! 61 attack your pro!


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