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I Contr0lz I Pk Vid 4 - Partyhat Pking & Hybriding


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great vid  ^_^ 10/10 easy, nice switches/editing/pace/koes and risk



Not as hot as your sig! <3

Not a bitch nigga

okay so..

First song was good, 2nd i really dislike the fact you used Blue Stahli, they're going to become the new fuckin linkin park the way things are going.

Switches were pretty much perfect and you had the timing down nicely, not too sure about how well i can judge that seeing as it was mostly sped up, but it looked like you were doing it right.

had to lol at the 5way, was pretty epic.

overall a very good vid, i just really despise the Ultranumb part. :sleep:


i dont think u risked enough :x

nice vid lol 5/5 :[] for shure


wow dude how much u lost total? like 800m ? ur crrazzzzyyyyy !


Awesome vid as expected, Good Job Kevin/Keenan.


Kinda expected more extreme hits, perhaps some less risking but high lv hybriding. soo yeah it was abit different from what i hoped for :p but was epic anyway  :)


One of the best video's I've seen yet mate ;), knew you would pull off a good video knowing how you pk.

Like the way you pk, not careing what you risking, made me think of my staking days lol ^^.

Blowing it all in pking is the best way you can use your money in my opinion.

I enjoyed watching it mate ;).

You could expect you'd get pjed for white phat, I was waiting for it to happen tbh.. he kept clicking on you for a long time :P. But fuck that lol, bottom line one of the best video's nowadays.


Nice vid but i dont see why in some clips your risking 500M then in others your bridding with a glory + rare seems pointless to me might aswell max gear every clip


great video rly :) nice risking,lovely kevin :)


Laughed at the end clips


fuck.. hot but woulda liked to have seen a lil more drags and ranging


Nice vid but i dont see why in some clips your risking 500M then in others your bridding with a glory + rare seems pointless to me might aswell max gear every clip

Lmfao I know right?

Also, the real pking hidden by your risk, which is pretty much your video. Next time should call it I contr0lz I Risking Vid II.


aww you tried to blitz claw ags like i did in my vid, other than the ags spec part. =] how cute. epic vid, great job.


Nice vid but i dont see why in some clips your risking 500M then in others your bridding with a glory + rare seems pointless to me might aswell max gear every clip

Lmfao I know right?

Also, the real pking hidden by your risk, which is pretty much your video. Next time should call it I contr0lz I Risking Vid II.

Maybe you have ADD if you get distracted that easily by something on someone's head?


was really good, enjoyed it completely, goodjob!


ownage bro 5/5

what ever happened to atomic fires


PRO vid, really enjoyed it :) Good risking / Great hits. To bad u lost loads to :\

5/5 for sure.

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