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Should i get 13 (or 11 after restless ghost fixes) prayer and what do i do with it in f2p pvp? will i  just pk without any boost prayers or like use boost when i 2h or something? im 43 cb currently with 1 prayer. Thinking about getting ava's. Thx already  :nice:


Do dt reqs, and avas. then get 13 prayer.

and only use boost pray in f2p when you're about too 2h them at 13 prayer.

You can get avas with 13 prayer now, restless ghost only gives 125xp.


Kk seems like a good idea  :D thx for a quick reply. Waiting 4 sum more tho to see what others think about this.


it helps but it's really a pain in the ass for f2p cuz u gotta run and recharge every 2 seconds


then don't f2p ^_^

OT: get 13,16,31,45,52  those are yer options


Yeah that's what i was thinking about too but i rly dont wanna spend that much bolts/knives/arrows or W/E im using for training and pking since my bank is only 600k atm and stuff like that.. and i need to get range up :S

HADUKEN can i get the dt reqs l8r o_O coz im not rlly into skilling/questing right now


what i did was kept 1 prayer till my stats are what i want then quest it up, actually mine are still at 1 =p working on finishing my pure quests is a pain >_>


Hmh.. cant afford range training without ava so i wont be able to get "what i want my stats to be" :S


52 prayer at 43 cb and i never p2p pk? :D nicee....


why the heck 52 i never pk in p2p and my stats are low.......... -.-


Yeah that's what i was thinking about too but i rly dont wanna spend that much bolts/knives/arrows or W/E im using for training and pking since my bank is only 600k atm and stuff like that.. and i need to get range up :S

HADUKEN can i get the dt reqs l8r o_O coz im not rlly into skilling/questing right now

You HAVE too do priest in peril and restless ghost before you get 13 prayer.


i spent like 8k knives getting 70 range, that's like 95k, it's easier to make 95k then to do the quests =)


Haduken thats what imma do. I've made a choice. Ava's tommorrow :P thanks guys appreciate ur effort put into those answers.


If you'rea  f2p pure, keep 1 prayer, it's not worth the hassle to get any higher.


Pur3 i'll maybe get 50 attack l8r and its not worth to spend all those $$ when im poor.


Well get it when you're 50 attack then.


so i got 44 pray idk just do pray 31


if you dont p2p pk then train and get 52


prayer is kind of lame in f2p. If you're planning on f2p pking just keep it at one. It's not worth the cmb levels.

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