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OMFG, Okay, so I am trying to get up my mining level and really to make money at the same time so I can work on my mage and range. So well I am 69 mining and well its pretty fair to say most ores are easy so I try the mining guild on SEVERAL worlds to get some coal as it sells for a good price(Im f2p btw) and it goes for like currently 223gp each, since EVERY world(I tried like 15 in a row) are crowded with like 10 people or so in the guild its impossible to get any coal...

Whats the next best thing? Iron as its good xp and sellls for 179 each which isnt bad at all as you can mine it so fast. Well I decide to go the mine in fally(the one where you go down the stairs) and guess WHAT?! There is ALWAYS someone at the iron rocks, not like a level 10 miner more like someone that has 60+ Ive tried MANY worlds and there all the same I mean this is pissing me off as I would love to mine my ironĀ  :angry:

I know this is universal as it also applies with monsters and other skilling aspects but really man if your level 105 go mine addy or something else, siriusly.


You're gonna get that wherever you go on F2P unfortunately...


yeah I know and it pisses me off as 1. thats my income and 2. its every world and people are annoying and annoy you while your trying to mine. I think Ive gotten only one world by myself for a decent period of time.


get p2p

Well there are a few reasons why I dont have p2p but I sorta wish I did. Its not a money issue its other things

1. I dont have a credit card as I am only 16 and well I aint going to the store to get a rs card because I sorta play RS in secret.

2. My parents wont buy me a card even if I pay them and such for their reasons.

3. If I did buy one its not totally worth it all the time as well in the summer I log in like ever 10 or so days, during the winter I have some time but I have finals and all that crap and on top of it I am busy with other aspects of life.

So I would have p2p all the time if I could but really I only have it maybe a total of 3-4 months out of the whole year and then during certain times I wont use it to its full advantage.


If you live in America go to Walmart and buy an ultimate game card if you are worried about people knowing that you play rs.


Get p2p :)

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