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nice vids :) if u wana single pk hit me up aswel :)


success rate probs about 50-70% @@Fred @@DontBanWavey


vid of killing pvmers sick dude

mostly just a vid for the loots, but i dunno what u expected when it says skulltricking


:) thats what i did aswel gj bro :)


So nice man, jealous of all that loot 


People still fall for these lmao :s


Dope loot but I can't help but feel for them. To me it seems like shitty morals but someone has to do it right?


dumb ass comment. It's the wilderness, don't bring what you're not willing to lose.

W/e that's your opinion. I'm willing to lose my AGS to someone if they smite me but if they hit me offline for it then is that just another case of shouldn't of brought it to the wild or is that a shitty person in the community?

"quick box me bro"  lmaoo! got my dying


makes me so happy to watch these kids die lol

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