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My deadlift


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Any constructive critism is welcome :) Been deadlifting for 3 months right now (been lifting for much longer but not really for power) 


What I do now is: 

10x 80kg

10x 100kg

10x 120kg 

3x 130kg 

1x 140kg

1x 150kg

I've tried 160kg but it was too heavy and I don't want to break my back lol

(any programs that are specially made for deadlifting are welcome!:))


Hope to reach 200kg next year



i only lift chicken in my mouth


thought you were going to do strength skill cape emote


id say try 5x5.


thats how i incrased my squad/bench/dl


i only lift chicken in my mouth


nice shins deadlifting with those ankle socks


nice shins deadlifting with those ankle socks

Didn't know that lifting is a fashion game :o fkn 4rner

id say try 5x5.


thats how i incrased my squad/bench/dl

5x your max? For 5 reps?

id say try 5x5.


thats how i incrased my squad/bench/dl


i agree with this


not bad mate, mine 10 RM deadlift is 120


Take steroids to improve


Take steroids to improve

Nah, gonna wear a b ring i and fury


Less reps & sets for more strength gains as Alcohol said (would do 5x5 or even 3x5 honestly), but looks good fam


Less reps & sets for more strength gains as Alcohol said (would do 5x5 or even 3x5 honestly), but looks good fam

gonna try it out next time

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