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If this comes out...


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Posted (edited)

eh shit games now i 2 good

Edited by Novations

Havnt played cod since blackops/mw3 lol


Bo2 was last good cod


Had the same thought when watching it earlier if MW2 came back in not a gay version I'd buy a console. 


Bo2 was last good cod


I don't play cod anymore since they add jumping/flying/wall climbing shit...

I don't play cod anymore since they add jumping/flying/wall climbing shit...


literally cannot tell what is the difference between any of the modern warfare of blackops cod versions


If i'd buy any of those fps shits it would be battlefield instead, i cba to just run around aimlessly shoot people, you have goals there at least.


cod4 modern warfare was the only one i ever really got down with so if they remastered id snag a nextgen console forsure.


Who needs cod when you have total levels


was legit just speaking to people about this this morning


apparently they're not gonna do it but its the only way I'd start playing CoD again


CoD4 + WaW were the best.


Cod 4 waw and mw2 one game combine all of them together that would be amazing


literally cannot tell what is the difference between any of the modern warfare of blackops cod versions


If i'd buy any of those fps shits it would be battlefield instead, i cba to just run around aimlessly shoot people, you have goals there at least.


Take the pan off your head...




ill probs buy a ps4 they are remastering loads of old games

Posted (edited)

it's happening guys. i'm really pumped


also this tweet by a gamer/youtuber: https://twitter.com/ProSyndicate/status/725547079196512256 you don't tweet that shit out when you have 2.1M followers and 9.8M youtuber subscribers.
reveal is scheduled next tuesday, may 3!!! so we just have to wait and see boys 
Edited by fsoc1ety

mw2 and 3 were great, after that a new cod game every year got real old quick.


xD can't wait to finally play cod4 again


mw2 was the shit!

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