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Rs after durty sprite

Durty Sprite

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Durty Sprite

Got these other accs and idk what to do with them. Only options I see are max main on diqq, clann acc on foe durty, or maxed with 75 atk 70 def 70 pray on foe Durty. What you guys think? Might nmz both accs at same time just bought 1500 p pots..






max clan acc @ whatever you prefer between a med level or maxed main


hmmm just focus on one tbh

Benny The Leak LMAO
Posted (edited)

Super Restores give better prayer refreshment/gp normally.

At the moment it's 5gp per ppoint more expensive but probably still worth the extra 5gp/ppoint because:

  • 1) you get an extra 5-10 seconds of AFK each time you sip.
  • 2) You can stay in a NMZ ((20*4)*7.5) = (600/60) = 10mins per dream

Currently with 44prayer:

Supers: = 157gp/ppoint

PPots: = 152/ppoint

Edited by Benny

Do it for the clan ;)


max clan acc @ whatever you prefer between a med level or maxed main


max foedurty with 75att,1def and bang kids with blessed ss and smite on for +1s+ use for clanning. digge could be lower lv dher or just main if u dont have one yet


u could aswell train up ur fishing on some account and make bank multitasking while ur doin other stuf


Maxed main and a maxed clan acc mate

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