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Prayer advice [Gmauler]


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Hey guys, I'm currently making a new bh pure, Likely going to run it as a g mauler for a while, and im wondering what prayer level i should get.


I'm going to get 70-80 range before pking, as well as 70+ strength.


So my question is, at this level bracket, does anyone know what the most common prayer level is...




31 Prayer, 44 prayer, or one?



Keep in mind the pros of having overheads means i can easily chin my range, and get firecape for the account...


Without any prayer i can't nmz, cant use ava's, and cant get firecape, so is it worth staying one/31 prayer?


Thanks in advance.




16 pray

So that's Ava's/MTD im guessing?


16 pray



16 pray

So that's Ava's/MTD im guessing?


avas+dt =15 prayer


if you're pking strictly edge bh, i'd say 15 pray dt+ avas. If you plan pking drags and deeper with friend or something i'd do 44. I'm 50 attk 75 str 85 range with 44 pray.


I have a lvl 63 g mauler, 15 prayer 

Mr Legend

I was wondering the same thing for awhile, but in the end I got 15 prayer for ava and dt. It does give you a extra combat level if you max out, (74 with 13) (75 with 15) but I don't think that one level matters that much. I enjoyed 15. 

Kiid Ownage

31 if you just plan to wreck BH worlds. but if you plan to Clan or Hybrid/Tribrid 44 is a must of course.


Ive gone 13 on mine for now 

Benny The Leak LMAO


16 pray

So that's Ava's/MTD im guessing?



I agree, and also you can chin your range. There is a 1prayer spot where you are pretty safe.

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