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Stay 60atk or get 75atk? Need Advice


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Im thinking of getting 75atk from 60 but idk If I should. I can afford an ags/sotd and whatever else but the 5 cb lvls you gain I feel like I'd be less effective 1v1 and would probably get smited for my ags. I can either max at 83cb with 60atk or 88cb with 75atk. At 88cb im pretty much fighting maxed voiders and 90str zerks while at 83cb I rape every voider and zerk I fight. In terms of clanning 88cb would have me sit out less preps and use better items for p2p preps while being maxed at 83cb is simply sexy and impressive.




To be honest, to be the most efficient in preps etc you need to have the best gear available to a pure, hence why so many people turn to 75 attack+


Your call really but 75 was worth it but now i'm almost 99 prayer 25 defence maxed! 


To be honest, to be the most efficient in preps etc you need to have the best gear available to a pure, hence why so many people turn to 75 attack+


Your call really but 75 was worth it but now i'm almost 99 prayer 25 defence maxed! 


75 is fun

SS wrecks kids


up to you. I would stay 60 until you feel like you've "had enough" and then go 75 etc. do it in stages, unless you want to directly max out for the clan.


stay 60 until you want a change then lvl to 75. tsotd n ags are fun


To be honest, to be the most efficient in preps etc you need to have the best gear available to a pure, hence why so many people turn to 75 attack+


Your call really but 75 was worth it but now i'm almost 99 prayer 25 defence maxed! 


I was in the same situation, chose to get 75 attack, simply because BH w18 is cancerous and i dont find it entertaining at all. 


Even if u stay 60 attack and max at 82/83 cmb there will be other with same stats or even better at edge. Most bhers these days are made just for that style, with like 16 pray etc. At 87 cmb sure u will meet some zerkers, but theres alot of pures with same build. 


75 attack would be a good balance between solopk and clanning:) Its really up to u, i dont have any regrets 


Decided to get 75atk. Will make the transition to 99str way faster and I don't edge pk anymore anyways. Thanks all


Tip - post your current stats next time you want advice


Max at 60 attack and then decide.  :smile:


Im thinking of getting 75atk from 60 but idk If I should. I can afford an ags/sotd and whatever else but the 5 cb lvls you gain I feel like I'd be less effective 1v1 and would probably get smited for my ags. I can either max at 83cb with 60atk or 88cb with 75atk. At 88cb im pretty much fighting maxed voiders and 90str zerks while at 83cb I rape every voider and zerk I fight. In terms of clanning 88cb would have me sit out less preps and use better items for p2p preps while being maxed at 83cb is simply sexy and impressive.

Get 75... i made the choice to move on...

Honestly, you have chances to make bank in BH.

The STOD is awesome, AGS is dank.

Once you get the items as well, you'll be waaaaay more conscious of ur prayer points and protection.


Def get 75 bro you'll love it, & stay 1 def.


if you dont mind being melee based with 8cb lvls over balanced melee/range/mage

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