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Magic Leveling


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do air orbs, you profit and its decent mage experience


Air orb it, and use the profits to alch in bh and target hunt :)


I did alching to 90. Then got 90-91 by pking.

Did 91-92 at barrows

Did 92-93 with air orbs

Did 93-94 by alching coz i wanted it rly bad :D


I'm a crazy guy, so i bought 82 mage with curses :D

This is my progress so far:

70 -> 73/82

I HAVE *ONLY* 49K TO CURSE! Sounds fun eh?

Jake l Pjing

A good method is superheating. It's slightly slower than alching, but doing steel bars is  20-30 GP loss per bar, and I've heard you profit from superheating mith bars. But if yore a good pker, alch while getting EP. Once you have 100 EP and a targ, kill it and you should of just paid for at least 5k alches. Also, pick potato cactus to make around 3-5m to afford PK supplies and alches.

EDIT: you bought curses for 82 Mage.. Shoulda just alched while getting EP. And btw, at 80 you can stun which is faster exp than cursing. How much did the curses cost you?


Reply to Jake:

i'm kinda poor, so i prefer cursing instead of stunning. And i don't have the stats to get targs and kill them in wild yet. After i finish my goals i'll be a killer pure for my level. 70-82 mage in curses costed about 700k, so pretty much nothing compared to alching wich is about 3.5m loss


how much would 94 cost me from 72? if i just buy all the stuff?


how much would 94 cost me from 72? if i just buy all the stuff?

You would need 273 950 curses, which is alot. It would cost you 3 835 300M (3.85~m) PLUS an Mud Staff (370k atm).

Getting 94 mage this way is EXTREMELY boring. If i was getting it i would bot it (Can FOE members bot)?

GL on your mage levels

If you have a fresh pure with a clean bank and wanting mage, do curses. Kinda fast, VERY cheap. And ofc you can sw, but i wouldn't do it before 60-70 mage

D0uble Cr0ss

Alching: costs a fair amount, boring, average xp. Can be done in pvp t get EP whilst you do it so you might profit from the pks.

Superheat: costs alot  of cash, not enough xp more than alching to be worth the cash, boring.

Enchanting at mage arena: Costs a fair amount of cash, more xp than alching not too much more cash, you have to concentrate the entire time..

Soulwars: Free, AFKable, slow xp at lvl 70, zeal is better spent on str or range.

Bursting: V fast xp, costs fuck loads, kinda fun.

Stun: Quite fast xp, expensive, you cant do this yet

Curses: slow xp, boring, V cheap.

Cant think of anymore options.. just pick the one you'd prefer


you lazy shit, just skill newfag.

lol nub


well uh, go make some money like pick some fucking morte fyre fungus i do wit 45 pray or blue drags or so and buy maple longs u and go get urself garys autoclicker or w/e for runescape google dat shit garyshood auto clicker and go to the fuckin pc boat/ god wars dungeon like east of avianses were no1 goes and alch ur happy ass cuz theres no randoms. ")

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